You received a foreign aid package from stay off your thighs (#160). It contained:
11,724,808 Bushels
You received a foreign aid package from and may your Thanksgiving dinner (#159). It contained:
11,645,458 Bushels
You received a foreign aid package from and your pies take the prize (#158). It contained:
11,772,046 Bushels
You received a foreign aid package from May your yams be delicious (#157). It contained:
11,686,350 Bushels
You received a foreign aid package from have nary a lump (#156). It contained:
11,825,366 Bushels
You received a foreign aid package from May your potatoes and gravy (#155). It contained:
11,792,534 Bushels
You received a foreign aid package from May your turkey plump (#154). It contained:
11,549,304 Bushels
You received a foreign aid package from May your stuffing be tasty (#153). It contained:
11,637,147 Bushels
You received a foreign aid package from Oktoberfest 2011 (#152). It contained:
10,935,319 Bushels
You received a foreign aid package from Robot Dance 4 Candy (#151). It contained:
11,607,629 Bushels
You received a foreign aid package from Zombie Win (#150). It contained:
11,551,088 Bushels
You received a foreign aid package from Monster Bash (#148). It contained:
11,016,540 Bushels
You received a foreign aid package from Pirate Booty (#147). It contained:
11,870,279 Bushels
You received a foreign aid package from Dracula Duck Dinner (#146). It contained:
11,688,138 Bushels
You received a foreign aid package from Ghostly Grave Yard (#145). It contained:
11,875,248 Bushels