
TheORKINMan Game profile


Aug 3rd 2010, 17:40:04

So someone recently pointed me to the old confessional thread on the legacy jolt forums. Since I wasn't around back then I thought I'd do mine. I'm going to try to avoid writing anything about people who currently play or are still around in some capacity. Most people find this stuff entertaining so in my benevolence I'm giving you daytime gossip and hopefully bringing activity to the forums for Pang ;)

Firstly myself:

I never ever ever cheated and to this day am still the most anti-cheat player one could possibly be.

I did not abandon the OTI boards I initially got modded for. I posted there regularly. It was just an extremely slow board. Trumper and some Utopian mod who's name escapes me were the only other mods that visited. The guy who got modded and then never showed up again on the OTI boards was The Grimm Ripper. In fact he did virtually no modding at all anywhere and it was more of a status thing for him.

After the very large vocal scuffle with the AT mods over the RD bans I realized Mehul was not going to do anything about them or about me and was content to let us fight like cats and dogs forever. And I might add I was just a bit spiteful against them so a lot of the stuff I did later was specifically to skirt the edge as much as possible and irritate them for my amusement ;)

When I finally quit coming to the boards and had gotten the email a few times that my account would expire if I didn't login I sold my mod account to martian for $50 American on the condition that he just used it to read things and didn't post anything.


Back when I was active Comwood offered me money for my mod PW too and actually offered me money if I ever successfully got him modded, but I never took him up on it.

He also did talk to me about the bot that PDM had very briefly but beyond that I don't know what happened. I told him I wasn't going to have anything to do with it and left it at that.


I'm convinced Mickster was either a raging psychopath or an internet predator. At the very least he was somewhat delusional and far too "into" his "job" for someone his age. He quite frequently reffered to himself as the "King of AT" on ICQ and said he was closer to Mehul then anyone else and that I need to fall in line and do what he tells me to. It was actually somewhat nastier then that. He had a big problem with going ballistic and cussing up a storm when you triggered something with him. He also concocted a ridiculous plan with a Utopia mod called Mad Cat to try and frame me for deleting UGT by having her block herself on the mod log while she was doing it. He even wrote a really long diatribe about me on UGT saying I was doing it and he was working hard to get me demodded. Mehul actually showed up on the mod boards for that one (since it involved Utopia) and exposed Mad Cat as the culprit.


Apparently RaVeS is actually a moderately successful individual and upstanding citizen these days. However the reason I could never ever take him seriously back in ancient history is because at the same time he was lecturing me about how I should be a responsible mod he was begging Anthony Ciolli to help him out with school because he was on academic probation and about to flunk out of college. Apparently like many frat boys he partied a little too hard :P

Lemon Chiffon:

This dude was the weirdest guy I ever spoke to on ICQ. Apparently the fact that he didn't have a method by which to retaliate against me was abhorrent to him. He would offer me a spot in RD one second and then immediately say he was going to bot TIE (who I hadn't played in in years) the next and then smoothly transition into talking about his medical woes for sympathy or to just ramble I guess. I never understood why he bothered to talk to me all of the time. Teal/Ronnie and the other socially normal RDers never did.

El Kronos:

El Kronos was the second weirdest person I've ever spoken to. I dunno what Patty would have to say since shes the only other oldschool mod around that I know about but he was like a mod celebrity stalker. I had to tell him to F off because he was obsessed with getting my AIM/ICQ etc... and constantly responded wherever a mod posted for quite a while. I know a few other mods he behaved this way towards too personally.


martian is and always has been totally awesome.


Croaker declared war on RD and lost and the non-English speakers of TIE at the time basically forced him out at that point. Part of the condition of their surrender was that RD got access to the TIE website to oversee their operations. When they discovered me and AnthonyCiolli were playing in TIE under aliases RD told them to boot us or they'd hit TIE. Of course we were booted and killed. HolyMan had some ridiculous excuse but we had a mirrorbot in the TIE leadership IRC channel where this was discussed with RD. Confronted with the logs HolyMan privately admitted that's what happened but likely to this day anyone around back then will deny it up and down.

Smarter than your average bear.

NukEvil Game profile


Aug 3rd 2010, 17:50:27

So what else is new?
I am a troll. Everything I say must be assumed to be said solely to provoke an exaggerated reaction to the current topic. I fully intend to bring absolutely no substance to any discussion, ongoing or otherwise. Conversing with me is pointless.

TheORKINMan Game profile


Aug 3rd 2010, 17:52:09

Bored at work if you can't tell :(
Smarter than your average bear.

Shinigami Game profile


Aug 3rd 2010, 18:03:07

Hmm... got a link for that thread?

NukEvil Game profile


Aug 3rd 2010, 18:07:06

I am a troll. Everything I say must be assumed to be said solely to provoke an exaggerated reaction to the current topic. I fully intend to bring absolutely no substance to any discussion, ongoing or otherwise. Conversing with me is pointless.

ponderer Game profile


Aug 3rd 2010, 18:46:44

Mehul's indifference to the RD issue was the final straw that led to me leaving and giving up my mod account. But to call it an "AT Mod Scuffle" isn't quite accurate. I was mainly moderating GT at that point, and hadn't actually played the game in a while.

I also lost a lot of respect for the other earth moderators, but I won't add any names to this thread.

Do agree that Martian is awesome.

TheORKINMan Game profile


Aug 3rd 2010, 18:55:53

By AT Mod scuffle I meant the three main AT mods. There was a LOT of arguing and discussion on the mod boards away from everyone else and contrary to the popular narrative there were a good number of mods who argued in favor of what I was doing. They just weren't "AT Mods".

Assuming you are the mod formerly known as cynic good to see ya :)
Smarter than your average bear.

ponderer Game profile


Aug 3rd 2010, 19:02:27

good to see you too : )

locket Game profile


Aug 3rd 2010, 19:22:34

I didn't cheat and from time to time tried to help orkin with his amusements? :P

OGT Game profile


Aug 3rd 2010, 19:42:46

orkin you were just as unstable as all the rest of you ego maniacs, one second you were alright, the next minute you had your head shoved up your... you know what.

I just calls em as i sees em.

TheORKINMan Game profile


Aug 3rd 2010, 19:46:29

OGT: I do not disagree with you.
Smarter than your average bear.

locket Game profile


Aug 3rd 2010, 19:46:53

He wasnt that way with everyone ;) a tad crazy in his vision but thats ok haha

AoS Game profile


Aug 3rd 2010, 20:29:24

I remember Mickster banning me all the time because I called him old. He reminded of a cranky old person that abhorred silliness. That's why I love Patty so much ;DDD
The dreamer is banished to obscurity.

Shinigami Game profile


Aug 3rd 2010, 20:59:02

That was an entertaining way to spend an hour. Brings back some memories for sure...

BobbyATA Game profile


Aug 3rd 2010, 22:16:53

thats funny martian paid $50 heh... and awesome

Dooman Game profile


Aug 4th 2010, 0:40:01

I went to re-read the AT thread, and the fact that they're selling thefacade as being a fake is quite... interesting.

I wonder who I met then? :P


Game Development

Aug 4th 2010, 0:54:41

mickster did a lot of really bad things as a mod, game mod and representative of omac

he was never and will never be considered to mod EE as long as I have any say over things.

if we want to have someone get inebriated and say random things to people, it will be me who does it and the things I do will be hilarious and not detrimental to the game/community :) :p
Earth Empires Staff
pangaea [at] earthempires [dot] com

Boxcar - Earth Empires' Clan & Alliance Hosting

Shinigami Game profile


Aug 4th 2010, 4:16:52

I'll drink to that.

And I am shocked- shocked! - to learn that someone named thefacade is a fake.

AoS Game profile


Aug 4th 2010, 4:22:45

Pang, I'll get wasted and talk fluff to people all night, for free. :) And it will be angry, bottled up stuff, the kind of stuff that people only say when they're really, really, far too drunk.
The dreamer is banished to obscurity.

Detmer Game profile


Aug 4th 2010, 5:09:31

Comwood never had a working bot.

Makinso Game profile


Aug 4th 2010, 10:52:15

Detmer :P

I can actually contradict that statement as much I hate to say so :-P I really need to go through my log files of that period Orkin is referring too.

But Comwood directly threatend me and the alliance I was with at that time (Not sure if I was Arrow at that time or already SOL...) and showed me parts of the script to back up his threat. I had someone look at those scripts and those were at that time viable and working scripts to run a bot in earth 2025 back then.

Silent Sentinel Game profile


Aug 4th 2010, 16:34:23

I was off on a break when that Jolt forum closed down. Quite a good read. Wish I could contribute to it, but I've been pretty damn clean.

A-Rod Game profile


Aug 4th 2010, 17:28:04

OMG i just spent my entire mornning reading all 34 pages of that... had no idea cheating was so rampant. and after 12 years off and on playing with most of the greatest NGers in the game, Waser is still the most impressive bar none to me. that guy was amazing



Aug 4th 2010, 17:35:15

I wonder what you were playing if you didn't notice the cheating in 1A for 12 years.
ICQ 43083642

Shinigami Game profile


Aug 4th 2010, 19:11:36

Hrm. Yeah. "Rampant" is about as good a word as any I can think of.

Finally finished reading the last few pages... pretty funny all around. I'll pass on adding to it though.

TheORKINMan Game profile


Aug 4th 2010, 19:15:36

The word I would use is "stupid" and very reminiscent of American politics. Everyone was doing it while running around pointing fingers at others for doing it and using the excuse within their inner circle that everyone else is doing it so we have to do it to in order to compete.
Smarter than your average bear.

ponderer Game profile


Aug 4th 2010, 19:22:08

Originally posted by TheORKINMan:
Everyone was doing it while running around pointing fingers at others for doing it and using the excuse within their inner circle that everyone else is doing it so we have to do it to in order to compete.

Asside from my first week playing earth in 1998 (and those two countries had zero interaction), I never ran more than 1 country, never logged into anyone else's country, and nobody else logged into my country. And anyone I caught in an alliance I was involved in got the boot. Not everyone did it, just the (for lack of better term), the wankers who felt the need to justify the cheating to themselves.



Aug 4th 2010, 19:32:41

*points at post 242*

qz conspired to bot Monks!

*keeps reading*

ICQ 43083642

A-Rod Game profile


Aug 4th 2010, 20:41:09

forgotten i didn't say i didn't notice cheating in 1a. i played in MD against sky delietez and killed by bots in various alliances. simply how many personalities and ppl we in high places were cheating and multiing.

Makinso Game profile


Aug 4th 2010, 22:39:27

lol A-Rod.

This isn't even a 10th of the list :-P

locket Game profile


Aug 4th 2010, 22:45:27

Since I only read part of that thread back then how about someone posts some of the more interesting tidbits? :P



Aug 4th 2010, 23:26:50

ICQ 43083642

Detmer Game profile


Aug 5th 2010, 0:27:23

Originally posted by Makinso:
Detmer :P

I can actually contradict that statement as much I hate to say so :-P I really need to go through my log files of that period Orkin is referring too.

But Comwood directly threatend me and the alliance I was with at that time (Not sure if I was Arrow at that time or already SOL...) and showed me parts of the script to back up his threat. I had someone look at those scripts and those were at that time viable and working scripts to run a bot in earth 2025 back then.

No you can't. He did not have one. I know that for a fact. (Unless you count market/news bots... but that is clearly not what we're talking about).

Dragonlance Game profile


Aug 5th 2010, 2:24:10

hey! i never cheated! don't include me in your finger pointing:p

Shinigami Game profile


Aug 5th 2010, 2:38:36

Confirmed, DL cheats his ass off.

Dragonlance Game profile


Aug 5th 2010, 3:53:22

alas the man knows too much!:(

A-Rod Game profile


Aug 5th 2010, 7:28:29

maybe i wouldn't survive seeing half the list then. g=) too much info for my simple mind!

Skystormers Game profile


Aug 5th 2010, 10:46:25

i guess NukEvil had a crystal ball:;viewfull=1#post14940557

You know what's going to truly suck?

When we all move to an Earth clone, and everyone wants revenge for all the things people are confessing about in this thread...It's going to be truly epic.
Want to stay right here
till the end of time
till the earth stops turning
Goreckii - Lamb

Viceroy Game profile


Aug 5th 2010, 14:25:56

Originally posted by A-Rod:
and after 12 years off and on playing with most of the greatest NGers in the game, Waser is still the most impressive bar none to me. that guy was amazing

Confirmed. Waser was one of the greatest.
And, Monsters, do not forget to specify, when time and place shall serve, that I am an ass.

Patience Game profile


Aug 5th 2010, 14:29:39

I am so not gonna roll around in the dirt with you here Orkin, except to say that you're an immature lying ass trying to make yourself look better. Unbelievable. You're so awesomely honest and anti-cheat that you'd sell your mod account. Wow, golf clap for you.

*shakes head*
I cannot see your signature - so if it's witty, put it in a post instead! :p

archaic: Patty, if it was you wearing it, I'd consider a fuzzy pink pig suit to be lingerie. Patty makes pork rock.

BobbyATA Game profile


Aug 5th 2010, 14:30:46

lol Forgotten that was a joke post...

TheORKINMan Game profile


Aug 5th 2010, 21:10:10

I specifically left you out of my post for the reasons I stated Patience. But if you're going to come in here and kick up sand with me for NO reason that's fine.

You and your buddies were constantly trying to spin spin spin things. Make me out to be a rogue guy and that the THREE of you represented a majority opinion. That was never ever even close to the truth. There were a laundry list of other mods who agreed with me including one who just posted in THIS thread. Feel free to point out where I lied at any point in my post.
Smarter than your average bear.



Aug 5th 2010, 21:12:06

i swear, make ORKIN a mod again so that they can do this in the mod forums

ICQ 43083642

TheORKINMan Game profile


Aug 5th 2010, 21:13:40

Why? I bring in the business. Virtually every thread I made gets tons and tons of views and responses ;)
Smarter than your average bear.



Aug 5th 2010, 21:26:10

actually, if your threads bring in NEW players, that would bring in business.
ICQ 43083642



Aug 5th 2010, 21:26:28

and most of the views and responses are your own anyways
ICQ 43083642

TheORKINMan Game profile


Aug 5th 2010, 21:27:19

And forums that are nice and active don't encourage people to join up? Page hits don't help advertising revenue? :P
Smarter than your average bear.

TheORKINMan Game profile


Aug 5th 2010, 21:28:13

No they aren't. You sir are just a hater. Probably one of the cheaters Patty loves to defend so much.
Smarter than your average bear.



Aug 5th 2010, 21:28:59

Me cheat? ROFL.

ICQ 43083642

TheORKINMan Game profile


Aug 5th 2010, 21:30:23

I know whoever heard of ANYONE from LaF ever cheating at anything right? Unthinkable!
Smarter than your average bear.