


Apr 24th 2012, 18:15:04

Visual Aid:
LaF and SoF's vision for the server:

Preamble to whet the appetite:
19:12 Chevs ya our pact with RD is fluff
19:12 @Xyle(Sov) Rage is a joke
19:12 S|snake na is the worst alliance on the server right now
0119:08 LCNDeci imag hits anyone they please to hit
18:37 S|snake im pretty sure we can force pang into pacting pdm
18:02 Don_Hanlong " Eugene: and SOL is taken care of thats all "
18:54 Don_Hanlong we do like warring ;)
18:54 Don_LT SOL/Evo would have to be pretty stupid to comea t us again next set
18:55 Don_LT they should be fairly demoralized by now
18:23 Don_Hanlong well evo wanting to war makes it much easier :P
18:27 Don_Hanlong i hope you aren't worried about PDM :P
19:06 Don_Hanlong laf cannot hit md next reset
19:06 @Xyle(Sov) If I had my way I'd wipe ICN from this game
19:06 Don_Hanlong we can hit anyone else
18:48 PG well farm PDM
18:48 PG tehy think tehy can do that to others.
18:48 PG =D
18:39 @Flamey Could use PDM land as a springboard for any midset war heh
18:39 Chevs would we look bad having a farm fs
18:39 Chevs lol
18:39 Chevs yes flamey
18:39 Chevs nice timing

18:34 OmegaAngel1 We can hit SoL as well.

Edited By: LulzSec on Apr 24th 2012, 19:51:57
See Original Post



Apr 24th 2012, 18:15:17




Apr 24th 2012, 18:15:29

Session Start: Thu Mar 22 19:39:35 2012
Session Ident: @View
Session Start: Thu Mar 22 17:49:43 2012
Session Ident: #sofcommand
0317:49 * Now talking in #sofcommand
0317:49 * Topic is ' 4 FDP Meeting - Thursday 10PM GT - HERE (DONT
TALK ABOUT OUR SECRET FDP WITH SOL - Hanlong will get upset) '
0317:49 * Set by Flamey on Thu Mar 22 17:42:25
17:49 Don_Hanlong actually that guy
17:49 Don_Hanlong is unrelated to EE
17:49 Don_Hanlong so whatever
17:49 @Flamey lol
17:49 Don_Hanlong the guy you invited
17:49 Don_Hanlong there's two decis?
0117:49 Deci- yeh some gamesurge nub :/
0117:50 Deci- Not in EE
0417:50 Henrik I know a Deci where I live :) She's a girl :)
0117:50 Deci- lolz
17:50 Don_Hanlong Don_TOB
17:50 Henrik She trains soldiers, pump iron and compete in fitness
0117:51 Deci- Sounds like my kind of girl
17:51 @Flamey Chevs better come btw
17:51 Henrik ;)
17:51 @Flamey he aranged this anti-social time
17:51 Don_Hanlong invite tob
17:51 Don_Hanlong so he can sex up Xyle
17:51 Don_Hanlong he's our head FR now :P
17:51 Don_Hanlong i replaced h4
17:51 Don_Hanlong since h4 is a umb
17:51 Don_Hanlong *bum
17:52 Don_Hanlong and invite omegaHalisar too
17:52 Don_Hanlong for henrik :P
17:52 @Flamey He better not turn this into a rebulican conference
17:52 Henrik I'll represent omega's union! :) Angel the corporate head
17:53 Don_Hanlong !up
17:53 Don_Hanlong damn it
17:53 Don_Hanlong Flamey:
17:53 Don_Hanlong can i invite some LaF heads? :P
17:54 Henrik oh noes! they'll go gangsta on us!
17:54 Don_Hanlong we have like 7 heads online :P
17:54 Don_Hanlong or is that too much? :P
17:54 @Flamey depends on their iq
17:54 Henrik Only Genovese!
17:55 Don_Hanlong bakku, Don_TOB, s|snake, xinhuan
0217:55 * Purposeful1 (webchat@ Quit (Registered )
0317:55 * Purposeful1 (.gamesurge) has joined
17:55 Don_Hanlong gogoog invite!
17:55 Henrik who run Genovese these days?
0317:55 * Don_TOB () has
joined #sofcommand
0317:55 * bakku () has
joined #sofcommand
17:55 Don_TOB hi guys
0317:55 * S|snake (~S|) has joined
17:55 Don_Hanlong sg said he's coming in a bit
17:55 Don_Hanlong he's driving home from work
0317:56 * Xinhuan (~) has joined
17:56 bakku i am here as the stenographer
17:56 Don_TOB feels good to finaly be here :D
17:56 Mapleson i didn't know Xinhuan was a head
17:56 Xinhuan lol
17:56 bakku he used to be don
17:57 Xinhuan i was co-don with hanlong, for a while, until he retired on me
17:57 Xinhuan :P
17:57 Xinhuan (7 years ago)
17:57 Mapleson ah ha
0317:58 * Chevs () has joined #sofcommand
17:58 Chevs zomg
17:58 Don_TOB yes it wasnt today :P
17:58 Mapleson 2005... I wasn't a SOL head then
17:58 Chevs look at all these niggas
17:58 Don_Hanlong eugene said he has to go in 30 minutes
17:58 Henrik oh, tob, bakku and xinhuan :) old times
17:58 Don_Hanlong so he won't come
17:58 Don_Hanlong plus we have too much heads in here as is
17:58 Chevs what tags are here
17:58 Henrik where is warlordz eh?
17:58 Don_Hanlong he's in med residency
17:59 Chevs laf, sof, omega, rival?
17:59 Don_Hanlong still busy
17:59 Xinhuan busy being a medical doctor
17:59 Mapleson Rival has fuego coming, if he responds on our server
17:59 @Flamey Mapleson, was Fuego trying to make this chat?
17:59 Don_Hanlong he'll be back sooner or alter
17:59 @Flamey lol jinx
17:59 Don_Hanlong i got most of our old school heads back :D
17:59 Mapleson he came online 30 minutes ago
17:59 Mapleson said hello
17:59 Chevs yo hanlong
17:59 Don_Hanlong sup Chevs
17:59 Chevs how do u homos in laf bypass the irc register thing
17:59 Chevs i forget how i did it before
17:59 Mapleson but I just tried him a couple minutes ago and nada
17:59 Chevs i just reformatted like 30 days ago
17:59 Chevs now i cant use mirc anymore
17:59 Xinhuan no, i registered like 5 years ago on this server
18:00 bakku i wasn't even asked to register
18:00 Don_Hanlong Son_Goku
18:00 Don_Hanlong go invite sg Flamey
18:00 bakku i just logged in through mibbit
18:00 Mapleson there is a hacked version
18:00 Don_Hanlong plus lcntrife
0418:00 Don_Hanlong according to Deci
0318:00 * LCNTrife () has joined #sofcommand
0118:00 Deci- Mhm
18:00 @Flamey whats sg nick?
18:00 Don_Hanlong Son_Goku
18:01 @Flamey Find those Dragonballs
0318:01 * Son_Goku () has
joined #sofcommand
0218:01 * Don_TOB () Quit
(Ping timeout )
18:01 Mapleson fuegolar If it starts now...i am driving home i will be
on in 20...stall! :)
18:01 Don_Hanlong yeh eugene
18:01 S|snake heh
18:01 Don_Hanlong said to just keep him posted
18:01 Don_Hanlong afterwards
18:01 Don_Hanlong haha
18:02 Don_Hanlong " Eugene: and SOL is taken care of thats all "
0318:02 * Chevs is now known as BattleKJ
18:02 BattleKJ shoulda done that before i joined
18:02 BattleKJ woulda been way better
0318:02 * Don_Hanlong is now known as ArsenalMD
18:02 Xinhuan omg spy!
18:02 Xinhuan omg traitor!
18:03 BattleKJ I am KJ
18:03 BattleKJ KJ is mE
0318:03 * S|snake is now known as Anoniem
0318:03 * Henrik is now known as Manchester_U
18:03 @Flamey We have enough turns for a warchat here
18:03 @Flamey *kickbans Henrik
18:03 BattleKJ hahaha
18:03 Purposeful1 60|800k|400k
18:03 Manchester_U :D
18:03 BattleKJ i mean
18:03 BattleKJ jajajaja
18:03 ArsenalMD i have 2 turns tho
18:03 ArsenalMD lol
0318:03 * Manchester_U is now known as Henrik
18:03 Xinhuan Turns (Stored): 126 (47)
18:03 Xinhuan my country is good
0318:03 * BattleKJ is now known as Chevs
0318:03 * Anoniem is now known as S|snake
0318:04 * ArsenalMD is now known as Don_Hanlong
18:04 Henrik I should have around 126 (40) now
0118:04 Deci- ran turns already
18:04 Chevs i thought helmet / xyle / ivan were gonna make it
18:04 @Flamey ivan cant
0618:04 * Don_Hanlong slaps IvanWAR
0618:04 * @IvanWAR closes his/her eyes and slaps a person at random
and ends up slapping Xinhuan 0,0 1
18:04 @Flamey pg cant
0618:04 * Don_Hanlong slaps IvanWAR
0618:04 * @IvanWAR closes his/her eyes and slaps a person at random
and ends up slapping ChanServ 0,0 1
0618:04 * Don_Hanlong slaps IvanWAR
0618:04 * @IvanWAR closes his/her eyes and slaps a person at random
and ends up slapping S|snake 0,0 1
18:04 LCNTrife ugh
18:04 S|snake ......
18:04 LCNTrife was about to flip out
18:04 @Flamey all the euros are badmouthing you chevs
18:04 LCNTrife wtf are these wankers doing here
18:04 Don_Hanlong obviously ivan is biased towards slapping LaF
18:05 Henrik the sun sets early over socialist europe :)
18:05 LCNTrife then figured out you guys were being wankers with the nicknames
18:05 S|snake set off my highlights
18:05 Chevs lol
18:05 S|snake so gay
18:05 Chevs euros are trashing us?
0618:05 * Don_Hanlong slaps IvanWAR
0618:05 * @IvanWAR closes his/her eyes and slaps a person at random
and ends up slapping bakku 0,0 1
18:05 Don_Hanlong OMG
18:05 Don_Hanlong still LaF
18:05 Don_Hanlong wtff
18:05 Chevs how is 11pm too late for ivan
18:05 Don_Hanlong his random slap bot so not random
18:05 @Flamey he has a baby
18:05 Chevs hes usually up
18:05 Chevs till like 4am
18:05 Chevs watching porn
18:05 Don_Hanlong invite tob again
18:05 Chevs while alley sleeps with the baby
18:06 Son_Goku lol
18:06 Don_Hanlong can we start now?
18:06 Chevs ya lets roll
18:06 LCNTrife sure
0618:06 * LCNTrife takes of clothes
18:06 Chevs alright lets start with the pacting situation
18:06 Chevs so far all we have pacted is neofed and rage
18:06 Chevs i think
18:07 Chevs and the usual fdps
18:07 Chevs and tie
18:07 Chevs 1 more set
18:07 Chevs and evo
18:07 Chevs i think?
18:07 @Flamey so far yes
18:07 Chevs PDM refuses a CF
18:07 Chevs refuses to pact us
18:07 Chevs they will likely hit us oop
18:07 Chevs or like a week 2 AB fs
18:07 Xinhuan i kinda expected that heh
18:07 Chevs their goal is to make sure we cant help laf
18:07 @Flamey but I dont see how they can do it alone
18:08 @Flamey we could be at 70 next set if things go right
18:08 Don_Hanlong our PDM pact
18:08 Chevs silver keeps asking me for a pact
0318:08 * OmegaAngel1 (~)
has joined #sofcommand
18:08 OmegaAngel1 hi
18:08 Chevs but then never signs it
18:08 LCNTrife question
18:08 LCNTrife when does laf merge into lcn?
0318:08 * Purposeful1 is now known as LCNPurposeful1
18:08 Don_Hanlong lol trifey
18:08 Don_Hanlong PDM - uNAP (6 out of 6)
18:09 Chevs so i heard that laf pacted MD
18:09 Don_Hanlong is done
18:09 OmegaAngel1 When does SoF merge back into Omega?
18:09 Chevs so i guess my question is
18:09 Don_Hanlong yes as part of the CF i have a uNAP with MD next reset
18:09 Chevs what do all you netting whores want to do next set
18:09 Don_Hanlong plus OmegaAngel1 asked me to
18:09 bakku WAR
18:09 Don_Hanlong but MD is still a long term problem
18:09 Son_Goku war!
18:09 Don_Hanlong i think thye just want some breather time that's all
18:09 Henrik net!
18:09 Xinhuan waaaaaaaaaaaaar
18:09 @Flamey and MD in theory could drop Rival and hit them
18:09 Don_Hanlong i dont think LaF wants to netgain tho :P
18:09 Chevs oh rly
18:10 Don_Hanlong i think MD wnats to hit LCN
18:10 Chevs well that makes things easier
18:10 OmegaAngel1 We always want to net, except when we let Arthog
take over once a year.
18:10 LCNTrife it wouldn't surprise us
18:10 LCNPurposeful1 hm. i didn't know you guys pacted them for next set.
18:10 Chevs so likely MD will hit either LCN or RIval. agreed?
18:10 Don_Hanlong well i was thinking i shuold cover SOL
18:10 Chevs or both
18:10 bakku why did we even CF md
18:10 Don_Hanlong size wise it makes more sense
18:10 Don_Hanlong they asked heh
18:10 Don_Hanlong plus omega asked me to also :P
18:11 Chevs so at the very least
18:11 Chevs SoF may be tied up with PDM/RD/someone
18:11 Chevs LaF is covering taking on SOL
18:11 Mapleson Rival hasn't pacted anyone for next set yet
18:11 Son_Goku md should be much smaller, they have a lot of dead
weight this set
18:11 Don_Hanlong ther'es a slight problem though
18:11 OmegaAngel1 We might be in the worst position of the alliances here.
18:11 Don_Hanlong we still have that dumb pact wiht SOL
18:11 Don_Hanlong reset 2of3
18:11 Chevs whats ur pact?
18:11 Don_Hanlong our ally needs to be "invovled" first
18:11 Don_Hanlong in war
18:11 OmegaAngel1 Not in terms of fighting anyone, but in terms of
making decisions.
18:12 Chevs angel
18:12 Chevs you said u wanted to net right?
18:12 Chevs what decision do you mean
18:12 Don_Hanlong "This pact has a voidable clause for boths parties
FDPs. FDPs are to be listed at the start of the set, or this pact. The
uNAP can be voided if one of the parties of this pact is involved in a
war with one of the other parties FDPs."
18:12 Don_Hanlong this one
18:12 Don_Hanlong i have this upcoming and the one after
18:12 Don_Hanlong from SOL
18:12 Chevs so basically
18:12 OmegaAngel1 If MD continues to press on LaF and go with SoF,
then we may have to decide which group we side with.
18:12 Chevs if MD fs Rival/LCN
18:12 OmegaAngel1 *and go/work with SoL
18:13 OmegaAngel1 sorry SoFers
18:13 Chevs we arent "with" MD
18:13 Chevs and your logic makes no sense
18:13 Chevs MD is with SOL
18:13 OmegaAngel1 yeah, meant to type SoL
18:13 Don_Hanlong yah md has two groups of allies right now
18:13 Don_Hanlong one with pdm/omega/rage
18:13 Son_Goku just means if they keep coming after laf and completely
side with sol
18:13 @Flamey SoL/Evo
18:13 Don_Hanlong one with sol/evo
18:13 Don_Hanlong yes
18:14 @Flamey they have fdp with sof too
18:14 @Flamey heh
18:14 Don_Hanlong well md will eventually target LaF
18:14 Don_Hanlong one day
18:14 Don_Hanlong as long as arsenal is around
18:14 Don_Hanlong originally they wanted to GB us most likely, but
ynot put a temporary stop to it with that uNAP
18:14 Mapleson who has an fdp with sof too?
18:14 Don_Hanlong but im assuming the reset after the GB is probably
an option again on their table :P
18:14 LCNTrife what's GB?
18:14 Don_Hanlong gangbang
18:14 LCNTrife oh
18:14 LCNTrife nevermind
18:14 Son_Goku lol
18:15 Son_Goku =p
18:15 @Flamey SoFs fdp list is this room
18:15 LCNTrife took a second for pervert mode to kick in
18:15 @Flamey md/sanct
18:15 Don_Hanlong +sanct/md
18:15 Don_Hanlong :P
18:15 Chevs i dont understand the omega thing
18:15 Chevs whats your situation
18:15 Chevs can u explain again
18:15 @Flamey I think imag will want to dp us too for next set
18:15 OmegaAngel1 Basically, MD is our most long term ally ever.
18:16 Chevs same with us, but arsenal is being a huge dbag
18:16 Chevs lol
18:16 Don_Hanlong we were FDP also
18:16 Don_Hanlong to MD
18:16 LCNTrife same here angel1
18:16 Chevs yah we were all friends last set
18:16 Don_Hanlong none of us asked arsenal to rock the boat
18:16 OmegaAngel1 LaF have proven themselves good friends with us
recently. SoF's back in our good graces
18:16 Don_Hanlong even LCN was FDP to MD
18:16 Son_Goku seems like everyone was fdp with md
18:16 OmegaAngel1 LCN has been long term allies.
18:16 Son_Goku til recently
18:16 LCNTrife MD of new is not MD of old
18:16 Don_Hanlong but MD dropped LCN also
18:16 Don_Hanlong recently
18:16 Don_Hanlong twice right?
18:16 Don_Hanlong from what i recall
18:16 Chevs well
18:16 Don_Hanlong you guys got dropped, signed FDP, then got dropped again
18:16 Chevs angel
18:17 Chevs i dont think you have to worryu about it next set
18:17 Chevs md wont be pissing off laf
18:17 Chevs they will likely target rival or lCN
18:17 OmegaAngel1 Nah, I think we're still able to buy time.
18:17 Chevs LCN
0318:17 * fuegolar (~)
has joined #sofcommand
18:17 LCNPurposeful1 it's no secret that MD leadership has been
lukewarm at best with LCN
18:17 Chevs but the problem is
18:17 Chevs if MD FS LCN or Rival
18:17 Chevs neither sof or laf can help
18:17 Don_Hanlong invite Don_TOB btw
18:17 Don_Hanlong :P
18:17 Don_Hanlong he was netsplitted
18:18 fuegolar Hi sorry i am late anx only half here
18:18 Don_Hanlong i dont think MD wants to hit Rival
18:18 @Flamey I think LCN+Rival could beat MD if forced into it
18:18 Don_Hanlong i think they want to hit LCN
18:18 @Flamey imag would help lcn?
18:19 Chevs i think basically no matter what happens, calling in omega
and asking them to choose a side is out of the question next set
18:19 OmegaAngel1 they might, iScode is back in charge of LCN.
18:19 OmegaAngel1 *imag
18:19 @Flamey scode took over lcn, cunning sheep
18:19 LCNTrife confirmed
18:19 OmegaAngel1 lol
18:19 Chevs scode is in LCN?
18:19 Chevs haha
18:19 Chevs i like scode
18:20 Chevs maybe ill play in lcn
0618:20 * Chevs runs
18:20 @Flamey Hopefull their plans will be leaked
18:20 Chevs alright so you LCN/RIval people
18:20 @Flamey in their big sol/evo/md chat
0318:20 * Don_TOB () has
joined #sofcommand
18:20 Chevs what do you want to do next set?
18:20 Chevs trife/purposeful
18:20 Chevs ?
18:20 LCNPurposeful1 we're open. We're thinking we'd net unless provoked.
18:20 Mapleson on our internal poll wargaining is leading netting
18:21 Don_TOB its good to be back :D
18:21 LCNPurposeful1 but we'd probably wargain regardless.
18:21 LCNTrife yea
18:21 Don_Hanlong we can netgain if you guys want to war
18:21 LCNTrife our netting means wargaining
18:21 Don_Hanlong and dont have enoguh targets to kill
18:21 bakku NO
18:21 bakku WAR
18:21 bakku WAR
18:21 Don_Hanlong but our guys want to kill something :P
18:21 Chevs well
18:21 Chevs the only way for laf to get around that pact
18:21 Don_Hanlong its not taht straightforward though
18:21 Chevs is if LCN/rival
18:22 Chevs FS SOL
18:22 Chevs and then Laf comes in
18:22 Chevs but thats a gangbang
18:22 Chevs and i dont like that
18:22 Don_Hanlong but i dont think LCN wants to do anything
18:22 Don_Hanlong offensively
18:22 Don_TOB we need another war
18:22 Mapleson ditto for rival
18:22 Don_Hanlong looks like we're going to to wargain
18:22 Don_Hanlong and hit anyone who screws over any of you guys
18:22 @Flamey We cant make a concrete plan until we know their plans tbh
18:22 Chevs hanlong
18:22 Mapleson we are ready to defend ourselves and allies, but aren't
about to pick a fight just because other things didn't pan out.
18:22 OmegaAngel1 Any news on the RD/Rage fronts?
18:22 Chevs you arent pacted to PDM next set?
18:23 Don_Hanlong not yet
18:23 @Flamey aka is Evo netting again or becoming offensive
18:23 Don_Hanlong i dont have pacts with evo/pdm yet
18:23 Chevs yeah evo is a wildcard
18:23 Don_Hanlong i have pacts with sol/md (but sol has out clause)
18:23 Chevs flamey are we pacted to evo next set?
18:23 Don_Hanlong well evo wanting to war makes it much easier :P
18:24 Don_Hanlong i doubt they want to tho
18:24 Son_Goku somehow I doubt that
18:24 Chevs regardless
18:24 Chevs sof is probably going to be hit early
18:24 Chevs our options are like
18:24 Chevs 4k techers or CI's
18:24 @Flamey we are solidly pacted to evo next set at least
18:24 Son_Goku both
18:24 @Flamey i have no idea what pdm will do
18:25 Henrik are you all so sure pdm will fs sof?
18:25 Chevs Xyle seems to think they will FS us oop
18:25 Son_Goku seems like suicide for pdm
18:25 @Flamey why would they get themselves into a 2 month war
18:25 Henrik sounds to me like they are more pouty
18:25 Son_Goku ya
18:25 Chevs im 99% sure PDM will hit us
18:25 Chevs next set
18:25 Chevs they wont pact us
18:25 Mapleson better restarts
18:25 Chevs and are making threats
18:25 @Flamey I can see them doing something like tagging up in
another tag or mass suicide
18:25 Don_Hanlong so you want us to not pact PDM?
18:25 Chevs i think we can handle them to be honest
18:25 Henrik yes, but, well, considering the disagreements, why would
they want a pact?
18:25 @Flamey dont need to make that decission this early
18:26 Chevs it just depends who else they recruit on their crusade
18:26 Son_Goku I don't see pdm going offensive
18:26 @Flamey pdms leadership is a bit... weird
18:26 Son_Goku unless they get help
18:26 Chevs pang is super butthurt i dont know why
18:26 Son_Goku they'd have to be stupid to hit you
18:26 Chevs hes royally pissed off helmet
18:26 Chevs with all his whining
18:27 Don_TOB lol
18:27 Chevs SG they hit us this set
18:27 Chevs heh
18:27 Son_Goku and look how badly they lost
18:27 Don_Hanlong i hope you aren't worried about PDM :P
18:27 Chevs they dont care about losing
18:27 Chevs they care that we cant help our allies
18:27 Son_Goku eh, their membership will
18:28 Son_Goku detmer might not =p
18:28 Don_Hanlong the thing is
18:28 Chevs imo they will coordinating something with MD
18:28 @Flamey im not worried, just wonder how it will effect any
potential sol plans
18:28 Don_Hanlong they think SOL/MD is going to GB us
18:28 Don_Hanlong that was their original palsn i think
18:28 Don_Hanlong that's why thye want to hit SoF
18:28 Don_Hanlong to prevent SoF from helping LaF get GBed
18:28 Chevs hmm
18:28 Don_Hanlong im also not sold on the pact with MD yet though,
because ynot told me
18:28 Don_Hanlong "if i retire, don't count on anything
18:29 Don_Hanlong and he was the one that signed with me
18:29 Don_Hanlong he said arsenal was pissed off
18:29 Don_Hanlong that he did it
18:29 Son_Goku ya ynot basically said he's the only head
18:29 Son_Goku behind a pact
18:29 Don_Hanlong it sounds like arsenal wanted to GB us with SOL but
ynot stopped it by pacting us
18:29 Chevs alright so i guess its too early still to figure out
18:29 Don_Hanlong not sure if it wlil necessarily stick
18:29 Chevs hanlong
18:29 Chevs u should talk to arsenal
18:29 Don_Hanlong ...
18:29 Chevs get him to confirm
18:29 Chevs or something etc
18:29 Don_Hanlong oh
18:30 OmegaAngel1 probably a good idea
18:30 Don_Hanlong i'll get tob to do it
18:30 @Flamey if MD break the pact
0618:30 * Don_Hanlong slaps Don_TOB
18:30 @Flamey they look bad
18:30 Chevs just ask him to confirm or deny
18:30 Don_Hanlong he's head FR for a reason
18:30 OmegaAngel1 Arsenal does not trust Omega right now.
18:30 Don_Hanlong i dont want to talk to arsenal
18:30 Don_Hanlong lol
18:30 Son_Goku md is obsessed about their imagine
18:30 Son_Goku image
18:30 Son_Goku can't see them breaking a pact
18:30 LCNTrife if MD has a pact with someone, i doubt they'd break it
18:30 Chevs yah but u konw how AT is
18:30 Chevs arse

BattleKJ Game profile


Apr 24th 2012, 18:25:42

In first in epic troll thread.

Detmer Game profile


Apr 24th 2012, 18:26:55

hanlong, PDM and LaF are pacted. You need to read the pact terms more carefully. You have to actively contact us to terminate the pact - it auto-renews.

Mapleson and Son Goku seem to be the only people with brain cells in that group.

That is all.

BattleKJ Game profile


Apr 24th 2012, 18:27:20

inb4 its announced LulzSec made epic bot to search the internets for hanlongs logfiles.

hanlong Game profile


Apr 24th 2012, 18:27:28

Don Hanlong
Don of La Famiglia

BattleKJ Game profile


Apr 24th 2012, 18:29:38

In after *uninterested yawn* (really frantically reading through the logfile to make sure he didnt say anything too offensive to any alliance).

Reckless Game profile


Apr 24th 2012, 18:29:47

How was it almost certain PDM-RD would hit OOP?

Flamey Game profile


Apr 24th 2012, 18:29:52

19:03 Chevs lies
19:03 Chevs she told me
19:03 Don_Hanlong pg and flamey sitting in a tree?
19:03 Fuego oh lord

Am I getting laid?

hanlong Game profile


Apr 24th 2012, 18:33:20

we already knew these logs leaked, it got sent around already.

there's nothing too special that was said anyways

and detmer, this happened before this reset started, hence they were discussing whether we should auto-renew it or contact to terminate.

we did renew you and i confirmed that with pang at the start of this reset, so don't get to worked up :P

all alliances plan, as Jiman said. SOL/Evo/MD/etc. had a similar chat around the same time end of last reset for this reset also. we can all share that one too if you are interested :P
Don Hanlong
Don of La Famiglia

BattleKJ Game profile


Apr 24th 2012, 18:33:29

Why is Lord Tarvana a leader in LaF again after it was revealed that he cheated to suicide Evolution?

You won't pact Muppets/Fazer, but you will let someone on the same level be in your leadership.



Apr 24th 2012, 18:33:59

Originally posted by Reckless:
How was it almost certain PDM-RD would hit OOP?

18:48 PG well farm PDM
18:48 PG tehy think tehy can do that to others.
18:48 PG =D
18:39 @Flamey Could use PDM land as a springboard for any midset war heh
18:39 Chevs would we look bad having a farm fs
18:39 Chevs lol
18:39 Chevs yes flamey
18:39 Chevs nice timing



Apr 24th 2012, 18:35:51

Originally posted by hanlong:
we already knew these logs leaked, it got sent around already.

there's nothing too special that was said anyways

and detmer, this happened before this reset started, hence they were discussing whether we should auto-renew it or contact to terminate.

we did renew you and i confirmed that with pang at the start of this reset, so don't get to worked up :P

Son Goku Game profile


Apr 24th 2012, 18:36:21

Seems like a pretty typical DP chat.

I made good predictions!

hanlong Game profile


Apr 24th 2012, 18:37:32

Originally posted by LulzSec:
Originally posted by hanlong:
we already knew these logs leaked, it got sent around already.

there's nothing too special that was said anyways

and detmer, this happened before this reset started, hence they were discussing whether we should auto-renew it or contact to terminate.

we did renew you and i confirmed that with pang at the start of this reset, so don't get to worked up :P

don't get too cute anoniem :P
Don Hanlong
Don of La Famiglia

BattleKJ Game profile


Apr 24th 2012, 18:39:52

If this has come from Evo, I am wondering why I havent read it already :)

*still reading*



Apr 24th 2012, 18:39:55

Originally posted by hanlong:
Originally posted by LulzSec:
Originally posted by hanlong:
we already knew these logs leaked, it got sent around already.

there's nothing too special that was said anyways

and detmer, this happened before this reset started, hence they were discussing whether we should auto-renew it or contact to terminate.

we did renew you and i confirmed that with pang at the start of this reset, so don't get to worked up :P

don't get too cute anoniem :P

18:25 Don_Hanlong so you want us to not pact PDM?
18:27 Don_Hanlong i hope you aren't worried about PDM :P

hanlong Game profile


Apr 24th 2012, 18:41:02

Originally posted by LulzSec:
Originally posted by hanlong:
Originally posted by LulzSec:
Originally posted by hanlong:
we already knew these logs leaked, it got sent around already.

there's nothing too special that was said anyways

and detmer, this happened before this reset started, hence they were discussing whether we should auto-renew it or contact to terminate.

we did renew you and i confirmed that with pang at the start of this reset, so don't get to worked up :P

don't get too cute anoniem :P

18:25 Don_Hanlong so you want us to not pact PDM?
18:27 Don_Hanlong i hope you aren't worried about PDM :P

why don't you just post with your normal nick :P
Don Hanlong
Don of La Famiglia

davidoss Game profile


Apr 24th 2012, 18:41:32

Again, what's the point of posting this? All I can see is discussion of pacts.

Edited By: davidoss on Apr 24th 2012, 19:00:11
See Original Post



Apr 24th 2012, 18:41:42

Originally posted by Flamey:
19:03 Chevs lies
19:03 Chevs she told me
19:03 Don_Hanlong pg and flamey sitting in a tree?
19:03 Fuego oh lord

Am I getting laid?

19:06 @Xyle(Sov) If I had my way I'd wipe ICN from this game
18:39 @Flamey Could use PDM land as a springboard for any midset war heh

BattleKJ Game profile


Apr 24th 2012, 18:43:32

Originally posted by davidoss:
Again, what's the point of posting this? All I can see if discussion of pacts.

You should look harder, some interesting comments amongst the wall of text about other alliances.

anoniem Game profile


Apr 24th 2012, 18:49:13

Hanlong, no idea why you've brought my name up. I've never had a problem outing you as the liar that you keep on proving to be.

You're trash.

Anyway, I'm sure you have a tea party to attend with LT where you decide on how you can rule the server and how you can better cheat :)

Reckless Game profile


Apr 24th 2012, 18:50:01

You had plan to war well before you knew what the other alliances were doin?

hanlong Game profile


Apr 24th 2012, 18:54:01

Originally posted by anoniem:
Hanlong, no idea why you've brought my name up. I've never had a problem outing you as the liar that you keep on proving to be.

You're trash.

Anyway, I'm sure you have a tea party to attend with LT where you decide on how you can rule the server and how you can better cheat :)

because you are lulzsec. that's why your name was brought up.

i already knew you were going to do this before you posted, i was just waiting for you to do it ;)

if you want me to provide a long proof for you again like i have done many times to BattleKJ in the past, and Alin recently, i'm more than happy to oblige.

be careful what you wish for ;)
Don Hanlong
Don of La Famiglia

Son Goku Game profile


Apr 24th 2012, 19:00:24

More focus on my stunningly accurate predictions please!



Apr 24th 2012, 19:03:41

Originally posted by Son Goku:
More focus on my stunningly accurate predictions please!

18:40 S|snake pdm know that no pact with laf = they are getting farmed

Jiman Game profile


Apr 24th 2012, 19:04:45

Chevs: Always love the idea of going against SOF one on one :-)

Angel1: Open and honest as always.

Mapleson: *humps*

PG: *roar*

Laf: *shakes head*

Son Goku Game profile


Apr 24th 2012, 19:05:37

Originally posted by LulzSec:
Originally posted by Son Goku:
More focus on my stunningly accurate predictions please!

18:40 S|snake pdm know that no pact with laf = they are getting farmed

Is that supposed to be shocking? Everyone knows LaF members go overboard WR grabbing.



Apr 24th 2012, 19:06:41

Originally posted by Jiman:
Chevs: Always love the idea of going against SOF one on one :-)

Angel1: Open and honest as always.

Mapleson: *humps*

PG: *roar*

Laf: *shakes head*

18:34 OmegaAngel1 We can hit SoL as well.

Jiman Game profile


Apr 24th 2012, 19:07:34

Originally posted by Detmer:
hanlong, PDM and LaF are pacted. You need to read the pact terms more carefully. You have to actively contact us to terminate the pact - it auto-renews.

Mapleson and Son Goku seem to be the only people with brain cells in that group.

That is all.

But you see Laf are special! They can break any pact any way they want! See what they did to Evo and SOL!

hanlong Game profile


Apr 24th 2012, 19:08:47

Originally posted by Jiman:
Originally posted by Detmer:
hanlong, PDM and LaF are pacted. You need to read the pact terms more carefully. You have to actively contact us to terminate the pact - it auto-renews.

Mapleson and Son Goku seem to be the only people with brain cells in that group.

That is all.

But you see Laf are special! They can break any pact any way they want! See what they did to Evo and SOL!

except Makinso was the one that created that term to break it on us ;P

nice try
Don Hanlong
Don of La Famiglia

Jiman Game profile


Apr 24th 2012, 19:09:35

Originally posted by LulzSec:
Originally posted by Jiman:
Chevs: Always love the idea of going against SOF one on one :-)

Angel1: Open and honest as always.

Mapleson: *humps*

PG: *roar*

Laf: *shakes head*

18:34 OmegaAngel1 We can hit SoL as well.

Yar I know. I know Omega would step in and help an ally. We are unpacted at the moment (we did offer a unap). As long as Omega isnt involved in a gangbang (or similar) its a truth that cant be ignored.



Apr 24th 2012, 19:10:15

Son Goku & Hanlong:

maverickmd Game profile


Apr 24th 2012, 19:10:36

We're still the same old MDers =P

Jiman Game profile


Apr 24th 2012, 19:10:46

Originally posted by hanlong:
Originally posted by Jiman:
Originally posted by Detmer:
hanlong, PDM and LaF are pacted. You need to read the pact terms more carefully. You have to actively contact us to terminate the pact - it auto-renews.

Mapleson and Son Goku seem to be the only people with brain cells in that group.

That is all.

But you see Laf are special! They can break any pact any way they want! See what they did to Evo and SOL!

except Makinso was the one that created that term to break it on us ;P

nice try
A pact is created by two people, not just one. I guess you also forgot about the 24 hour notice clause before the pact can be voided. Hee.

hanlong Game profile


Apr 24th 2012, 19:10:52

i'm happy we are all airing dirty laundry on AT now

i like it open.

because you can dig all the posts and it comes down to LaF/SoF and all our allies trying to defend themselves because makinso/arsenal/kj thought it was cute to fluff up peace deals between the LaF/SOL and SoF/Evo two resets ago :P

and everyone knows it. should have just signed peace treaties without trying to "shove" random pact terms down "our throats".
Don Hanlong
Don of La Famiglia

Son Goku Game profile


Apr 24th 2012, 19:11:59

Originally posted by LulzSec:
Son Goku & Hanlong:

Which post of mine is spin again? Hell, Pang knows firsthand about LaF's WR grabbing.

hanlong Game profile


Apr 24th 2012, 19:12:08

Originally posted by Jiman:
Originally posted by hanlong:
Originally posted by Jiman:
Originally posted by Detmer:
hanlong, PDM and LaF are pacted. You need to read the pact terms more carefully. You have to actively contact us to terminate the pact - it auto-renews.

Mapleson and Son Goku seem to be the only people with brain cells in that group.

That is all.

But you see Laf are special! They can break any pact any way they want! See what they did to Evo and SOL!

except Makinso was the one that created that term to break it on us ;P

nice try
A pact is created by two people, not just one. I guess you also forgot about the 24 hour notice clause before the pact can be voided. Hee.

there is no 24 hour notice clause

that was for an old pact (the one in reset 10 where you hit MD+LCN and LCN called in Sanct).

the one that makinso tried to "shove down our throats" was this one:

23:12:17: [23:26] <@Makinso> [11:52] Unbreakable Non Aggression Pact
23:12:17: [23:26] <@Makinso> [11:52] - This pact is unbreakable.
23:12:17: [23:26] <@Makinso> [11:52] - During non war times, any landgrab is retalled 2:1, Defense Held 1:1
23:12:17: [23:26] <@Makinso> [11:52] - During war times, any landgrab is retalled 2:1, or standard reps are sent, defenders choice.
23:12:17: [23:26] <@Makinso> [11:52] - Specialized attacks, GS, BR, AB, missiles, and damaging spy ops are retalled 2:1 minimum. Extra hits are discussed as needed.
23:12:17: [23:26] <@Makinso> [11:52] - During war before hits are retalled, FR's will discuss.
23:12:17: [23:26] <@Makinso> [11:52] - 24 hours notice of any tag change, or addition, notification must be via ICQ, or email, and have a response back confirming.
23:12:17: [23:26] <@Makinso> [11:52] - If a SoL country tag jumps into an alliance that you are at war with, SoL will kill it. If a country from your tag jumps into an alliance SoL is at war with, you will kill it.
23:12:17: [23:26] <@Makinso> [11:52] - Both alliances assume 72 hours responsibility for countries that detag from their tag.
23:12:17: [23:26] <@Makinso> [11:52] - Neither alliance will FA an alliance the other is at war with. If this happens, FR's will discuss a course of action.
23:12:17: [23:26] <@Makinso> [11:52] - This pact is automatically renewed for 3 sets. This auto renewing clause ends after the April/May(or june in case dates are a bit off) set.
23:12:18: [23:26] <@Makinso> [11:52] - This pacts auto renew clause is only legitimate if LaF has a unbreakable signed pact with evo.
23:12:18: [23:26] <@Makinso> [11:52] - This pact invokes a ceasefire for the current war. This Ceasefire allows no hits between both parties. As soon as Evo and LaF + Allies have their unbreakable pact sorted out and signed the CF terms are replacd by the uNAP
23:12:18: [23:26] <@Makinso> [11:52] - This pact has a voidable clause for boths parties FDPs. FDPs are to be listed at the start of the set, or this pact. The uNAP can be voided if one of the parties of this pact is involved in a war with one of the other parties FDPs.

the only 24 hour notice i see is of tag change ;P

and you are right, it does take two to sign, but makinso shoved it down my throat, so i didn't have much options :P
Don Hanlong
Don of La Famiglia

Jiman Game profile


Apr 24th 2012, 19:13:45

O ya you just didnt Void the pact at all. I would of thought that you would AT LEAST say it in your war declare. :D

hanlong Game profile


Apr 24th 2012, 19:15:14

oh my bad, i thought declaring war automatically implies we activated the void clause. i apologize if that part wasn't clear :P
Don Hanlong
Don of La Famiglia

Reckless Game profile


Apr 24th 2012, 19:16:51

So many smiley faces in this thread

Pride Game profile


Apr 24th 2012, 19:18:52

You guys were over here fluffing about Arsenal/Maki/KJ, and you guys are doing the same fluff !

ONLY DIFFERENCE IS you guys went through with your plans.

I guess we have a war to decided ? Rival or LCN lol Unreal.

hanlong Game profile


Apr 24th 2012, 19:20:36

we never tried to shove pacts down people's throats in order to surprise them ;)
Don Hanlong
Don of La Famiglia

lostmonk Game profile


Apr 24th 2012, 19:22:57

Originally posted by hanlong:
i'm happy we are all airing dirty laundry on AT now

i like it open.

because you can dig all the posts and it comes down to LaF/SoF and all our allies trying to defend themselves because makinso/arsenal/kj thought it was cute to fluff up peace deals between the LaF/SOL and SoF/Evo two resets ago :P

and everyone knows it. should have just signed peace treaties without trying to "shove" random pact terms down "our throats".

See, I was feeling your posts and giving some respect, until you said here defending yourselves. SoF hitting PDM was a defensive action? In what strange universe are you?

BattleKJ Game profile


Apr 24th 2012, 19:25:56

Originally posted by hanlong:
we never tried to shove pacts down people's throats in order to surprise them ;)

You hit Evolution 2 sets in a row with pacts signed. But thats old news, you're going to spew your excuses, and everyone else will have seen the logs, pacts etc and know the truth :)

hanlong Game profile


Apr 24th 2012, 19:26:05

lostmonk: sof/pdm is not related to me. i just wanted to know how our allies stand and i needed to know what i had to do to defend ourselves.

while you are right, we could've easily done nothing and let them carry on the plans (and then the likes of dagga/kj/etc.) would complement how makinso is a political genius.

and i apologize for what has happened to PDM. i can show you many chats where i pushed for leaving PDM alone since i liked you guys =) but you guys had your own beef with SoF which neither MD/Omega nor LaF could help solve and all 3 of us tried to mediate to try to find a peaceful resolution.
Don Hanlong
Don of La Famiglia

locket Game profile


Apr 24th 2012, 19:27:42

Originally posted by LulzSec:
Originally posted by Flamey:
19:03 Chevs lies
19:03 Chevs she told me
19:03 Don_Hanlong pg and flamey sitting in a tree?
19:03 Fuego oh lord

Am I getting laid?

19:06 @Xyle(Sov) If I had my way I'd wipe ICN from this game
18:39 @Flamey Could use PDM land as a springboard for any midset war heh

That disgusted me as well. Typical old earth IX type viewpoint for an alliance which imo does nothing rude/bullyish/deserving of death. Funny how my comments about him in another thread were too true. Referring to the ICN comment of course.

Edited By: locket on Apr 24th 2012, 19:32:54
See Original Post

Pride Game profile


Apr 24th 2012, 19:28:50

You say defend yourselves BUT, every war this set your parties planned and were on the offensive.

Jiman Game profile


Apr 24th 2012, 19:29:03

I should go get my multiple chats too. BRB.