
Pontius Pirate

EE Patron

Jan 26th 2018, 8:21:38

I'm really puzzled by Stones' decisions.

For the most part, LaF and SOL play by the traditional norms of the game. That means pacts are honored, countries are generally left alone and wars are fought for real reasons. However, Elders tried a few sets ago to change the norms by ignoring pacts, FSing netting clans for no reason and so on. This led to a struggle between LaF (and to some extent SOL) and Elders, and because Elders were willing to ignore the norms of the game, LaF ignored norms such as "no OOP FSes" and bullied clans that were suspected of helping Elders.

We all know the outcome of that. Elders basically cannot exist as a tag in this game anymore other than through hiding in other tags for most of the game. MD is gone, all that is left is a group of persistent suiciders (who btw LaF should never trust again, pretty stupid to fall for their pact breaking TWICE).

So which side does Stones pick? For some odd reason, the Elders side. This is despite the fact that, as a result of your 1.5 weeks of fun this set, you will spend the next set being killed OOP and then serving as farmland for LaF, the same that Elders did. Your tag will disappear and eventually there will not be enough tags to hide in.

After you broke a uNAP with LaF, the name of the game with you also becomes "might makes right" and you're not going to win. That's why I really wonder why you chose to essentially turn your tag into one that cannot exist on the server after this reset. Where's your goodbye post? Or do you just not understand the implication of breaking the norms of the game (that uNAP means no attacking) with LaF&SOL?
Originally posted by Cerberus:

This guy is destroying the U.S. Dollars position as the preferred exchange for international trade. The Chinese Ruan is going to replace it soon, then the U.S. will not have control of the IMF

Jayr Game profile

EE Patron

Jan 26th 2018, 8:24:35

Edited By: Jayr on Oct 30th 2020, 23:51:32
wasn't me...

Jayr Game profile

EE Patron

Jan 26th 2018, 8:32:14

Edited By: Jayr on Oct 30th 2020, 23:51:28
wasn't me...

DruncK Game profile


Jan 26th 2018, 8:35:14

Lmfao @ threatening Stones with OOP war.

DerrickICN Game profile

EE Patron

Jan 26th 2018, 8:57:31

I'll explain in the simplest terms possible.

1) Stones has been allied to me personally for their entire existence since they broke off from RA in 2001 and I intend to retire from this game in Stones. We've been building a beneficial relationship for a year now.

2) Laf had an fdp with stones for nearly a year. There were sets where stones was attacked by clans unpacted to LaF. LaF did not honor its FDP and allowed Stones to be tagkilled repeatedly. Signing a DP with Elders means they'll have an FDP that actually gets honored. And since LaF never honored their FDP, why should Stones honor a lowly uNAP? You speak about the honor of LaF when in reality they snubbed what is supposed to be an automatically triggered helping hand in war. In theory, that FDP was broken by LaF multiple times by NOT HELPING STONES.

Hope this clears that up.

Edited By: DerrickICN on Jan 26th 2018, 9:01:53
See Original Post

mrcuban Game profile


Jan 26th 2018, 9:28:36

Is SOL coming to LAF aid?

Mr Gainsboro Game profile

EE Patron

Jan 26th 2018, 9:41:40

Originally posted by DerrickICN:
I'll explain in the simplest terms possible.

1) Stones has been allied to me personally for their entire existence since they broke off from RA in 2001 and I intend to retire from this game in Stones. We've been building a beneficial relationship for a year now.

2) Laf had an fdp with stones for nearly a year. There were sets where stones was attacked by clans unpacted to LaF. LaF did not honor its FDP and allowed Stones to be tagkilled repeatedly. Signing a DP with Elders means they'll have an FDP that actually gets honored. And since LaF never honored their FDP, why should Stones honor a lowly uNAP? You speak about the honor of LaF when in reality they snubbed what is supposed to be an automatically triggered helping hand in war. In theory, that FDP was broken by LaF multiple times by NOT HELPING STONES.

Hope this clears that up.

What part of unbreakable is it you don't understand?
I have never seen a request from stones to ask us for help.
Go troll somewhere else
Don of LaF

DerrickICN Game profile

EE Patron

Jan 26th 2018, 9:47:38

Awe. But gains!!!! AT is mah favorite troll zone.

*goes off to reddit*


But I realllly like trolling at. You sure I can't?

In all seriousness I don't think you were in LaF during the times I'm referring to. Would have been almost a year ago that fdp got scrapped. But in any case I am just trolling. I don't have any idea about stones' thought process. I'm just pretending. Lol.

Tell you what tho. That was one hell of an FS. You missed out. Way funner than ab's and occasional kills. You should do it up right again sometime.

Edited By: DerrickICN on Jan 26th 2018, 10:03:36
See Original Post

Pontius Pirate

EE Patron

Jan 26th 2018, 10:53:52

Originally posted by DerrickICN:
I'll explain in the simplest terms possible.

1) Stones has been allied to me personally for their entire existence since they broke off from RA in 2001 and I intend to retire from this game in Stones. We've been building a beneficial relationship for a year now.

2) Laf had an fdp with stones for nearly a year. There were sets where stones was attacked by clans unpacted to LaF. LaF did not honor its FDP and allowed Stones to be tagkilled repeatedly. Signing a DP with Elders means they'll have an FDP that actually gets honored. And since LaF never honored their FDP, why should Stones honor a lowly uNAP? You speak about the honor of LaF when in reality they snubbed what is supposed to be an automatically triggered helping hand in war. In theory, that FDP was broken by LaF multiple times by NOT HELPING STONES.

Hope this clears that up.

Lol what are you talking about, Elders is too scared to tag up, let alone help Stones
Originally posted by Cerberus:

This guy is destroying the U.S. Dollars position as the preferred exchange for international trade. The Chinese Ruan is going to replace it soon, then the U.S. will not have control of the IMF

myerr21 Game profile


Jan 26th 2018, 13:23:03

I stopped reading after you said "For the most part, LaF and SOL play by the traditional norms of the game." Dont you losers just sit there and land trade with each other all set then act like your high scores mean something?

gains [23:16:55] * Myerr!*@* added to ignore list

cloud-superfly: CP is ok

Cerberus Game profile

EE Patron

Jan 26th 2018, 14:45:54

But, Might DOES make Right. I'm very much looking forward to next round, ya'll have given me and my warring aspirations some assistance in convincing the powers that be that unrestricted warfare against liars, cheats and thieves is a valid policy and should be implemented. :) Thanks, guys. Whooo hoooo. I have some chills up my spine now.
I don't need anger management, people need to stop pissing me off!

Dissident Game profile


Jan 26th 2018, 14:58:20

Laf has OOP AB FS against Elders for 3 sets in total. If you want to use scumming tactics, we are allowed to do the same by "hiding" in other clans and then jumping you later in the set.

i mean, which is worse? If you AB FS me OOP, i can basically take 2 months off and not really care about my country that much. But when we do this... I mean, yall have put 6 weeks of hard work into your countries and now we are going to poop all over that effort.

Enjoy the rest of the war. =)

Gerdler Game profile

Forum Moderator

Jan 26th 2018, 16:00:54

Originally posted by myerr21:
I stopped reading after you said "For the most part, LaF and SOL play by the traditional norms of the game." Dont you losers just sit there and land trade with each other all set then act like your high scores mean something?

we have not land traded the last year at least(as long as I've been in LaF), not that its against any rules. We hit bots and some take offence to that as well I hear even tho thats what they are for.

DerrickICN Game profile

EE Patron

Jan 26th 2018, 16:24:17

Yeah. Both sides are scumbags. Both using scumbag techniques. You should expect people to use scumbag moves on you if you use scumbag moves on them.

sinistril Game profile


Jan 26th 2018, 18:23:01

Stones acts as a balance of power on this server. If it was elders and Sol hitting laf, stones would be the first one to come to laf's aide. I don't see how you can threaten to make it so they "cannot exist" on this server. In a server of scumbags that spend all day trash talking on the forums, stones is the most humble, respectable group of scumbags.
If you give a man some fire, he'll be warm for awhile. If you set a man on fire, he'll be warm for the rest of his life.

archaic Game profile


Jan 26th 2018, 21:16:44

The step from an OOP FS to breaking a uNap is a pretty big step. Maybe I'm the only one that sees that.

I love how Derrick talks about all these years he's been playing, when he's only been around a few months.
Cheating Mod Hall of Shame: Dark Morbid, Turtle Crawler, Sov

DerrickICN Game profile

EE Patron

Jan 26th 2018, 21:33:34

I did take a pretty major break. Maybe 4 years or so. True stuff. I did play this game from 1998-2013 tho. So I guess about 15 years.

ironxxx Game profile

EE Patron

Jan 27th 2018, 3:26:24

the title of this thread is really catchy

ddd Game profile


Jan 27th 2018, 4:14:34



Jan 26th 2018, 18:23:01
Stones acts as a balance of power on this server. If it was elders and Sol hitting laf, stones would be the first one to come to laf's aide. I don't see how you can threaten to make it so they "cannot exist" on this server. In a server of scumbags that spend all day trash talking on the forums, stones is the most humble, respectable group of scumbags.

i am in laf and i aggree with this statement most of the gents over there are super guys cept nero hes a total idiot - well hes simply a misguided old fart lol

Zorp Game profile

EE Patron

Jan 27th 2018, 4:41:01

When archaic, a former PDM hWar, is siding with LaF on anything, that speaks volumes.

DerrickICN Game profile

EE Patron

Jan 27th 2018, 8:16:59

Eh. He's done both. Archaic is pretty traditional in his open ended hate for seemingly everyone, every tag, the game, the mechanics, the mods...

I don't think he's supporting laf so much here as he is smack talking stones. But we've also seen him smack talk every other clan involved in the war as well on other threads including laf. He's just generally being himself. At least he has a grasp on that. In all fairness I've even seen him smack talk himself nearly as much as laf or elders or anyone else which actually made me like him more.

It's pretty open ended hate. I empathize with his attitude. I kinda hate everything too.

archaic Game profile


Jan 27th 2018, 14:49:05

I don't hate EVERYONE, I just long for a more civilized time where these matters were settled in a duel at dawn under a strict set of rules. It used to be that way because there were enough people that had agreed on the rules that would intervene to preserve the status quo. Now we have devolved in to clawing at one another for scraps in a subterranean bunker where the only rule is survive one more day.

We have become a lifeboat full of weasels.

I mean honestly, when was the last time a tag threw away a good netting set to come in for an ally on principle in a war they knew they would lose? That fluff used to happen, but now - we just avert our eyes and drive on by.
Cheating Mod Hall of Shame: Dark Morbid, Turtle Crawler, Sov

Ivan Game profile


Jan 27th 2018, 15:29:54

the sof tag did it a few sets ago :P

General Nero Game profile


Jan 27th 2018, 18:49:50

well said ddd aka bomber. the feeling is mutual lol. :)

Pontius Pirate.....the salty butthurtedness in your incredibly long pointless post while playing the victim....quite sad and paints a very brainwashed one sided story. I do like quite a few of Laf....but as others have said, Laf had it coming this set. That's all. Hence why there are the many clans against you. Speaks for itself.

Also, you are funny for threatening Stones with killing our countries and our tag altogether in the future(LOL. that part gave me a good laugh, thank you). You clearly forget how much fun Stones still has when we die and we don't take dying too seriously, as we always come back.....always. We are here to have fun because we enjoy each others company and playing the game with each other. So if your goal is to ruin the game further for anyone more than it already has been, have at it bad boy.

farmer Game profile


Jan 27th 2018, 19:48:44

Originally posted by DerrickICN:
I'll explain in the simplest terms possible.

1) Stones has been allied to me personally for their entire existence since they broke off from RA in 2001 and I intend to retire from this game in Stones. We've been building a beneficial relationship for a year now.

2) Laf had an fdp with stones for nearly a year. There were sets where stones was attacked by clans unpacted to LaF. LaF did not honor its FDP and allowed Stones to be tagkilled repeatedly. Signing a DP with Elders means they'll have an FDP that actually gets honored. And since LaF never honored their FDP, why should Stones honor a lowly uNAP? You speak about the honor of LaF when in reality they snubbed what is supposed to be an automatically triggered helping hand in war. In theory, that FDP was broken by LaF multiple times by NOT HELPING STONES.

Hope this clears that up.

pretty much summed it up

Edited By: farmer on Jan 27th 2018, 19:53:41
See Original Post

Vic Game profile


Jan 27th 2018, 22:31:49

Originally posted by farmer:
Originally posted by DerrickICN:
I'll explain in the simplest terms possible.

1) Stones has been allied to me personally for their entire existence since they broke off from RA in 2001 and I intend to retire from this game in Stones. We've been building a beneficial relationship for a year now.

2) Laf had an fdp with stones for nearly a year. There were sets where stones was attacked by clans unpacted to LaF. LaF did not honor its FDP and allowed Stones to be tagkilled repeatedly. Signing a DP with Elders means they'll have an FDP that actually gets honored. And since LaF never honored their FDP, why should Stones honor a lowly uNAP? You speak about the honor of LaF when in reality they snubbed what is supposed to be an automatically triggered helping hand in war. In theory, that FDP was broken by LaF multiple times by NOT HELPING STONES.

Hope this clears that up.

pretty much summed it up

Nope ... there’s amateur hour and then there is epic nub fail life. So dishonorable lol

*this* pretty much sums it up...

From: farmer
21 h
To: Vic

i will say i had nothing to do with breaking the pact i tried to talk them out of it. sorta makes me look bad signing one and then we war you. but i like the guys in stones so it is what it is :/

farmer Game profile


Jan 28th 2018, 0:15:09

you can ask taker i do not deny this that being said derrick post is correct. we were waring elders and getting our @ handed to us and asked you your help per our fdp and got nothing

DerrickICN Game profile

EE Patron

Jan 28th 2018, 0:48:14


Boom goes the dynamite. That's as good as breaking an fdp. Hahaha. He guesses correct.

Edited By: DerrickICN on Jan 28th 2018, 0:54:51
See Original Post

mrcuban Game profile


Jan 28th 2018, 1:18:00

So the TMDR and Eevil war was a cover up?

DerrickICN Game profile

EE Patron

Jan 28th 2018, 1:50:14

Really? Just now? Sheeeezus

ClayQ Game profile


Jan 28th 2018, 8:25:51

Honestly traditional norms are lacking, pacts should be honored sure. Ultimately though the game has new "problems" that should be worked into pacts, or its going to be the same things in and out. People suicide because there is no other recourse, people top feed to help their friends two-step land, or just to retaliate on someone they don't like.

If the game is "pact us or we kill you because we're bigger" then people will pact them just to get the advantage of "surprise"

If the game isn't fun because of the pacts in place, then people will try to make it fun because its a game.

LaF and SoL get to play by the norms because they are 2x anyone else.

I watch players lose to suiciders only to never get a chance to take it back because someone else does it first, I've watched people try to hide FA's to do it maliciously, I've watched -every- group sit out or step in regardless of pacts over the years to benefit themselves.

ClayQ Game profile


Jan 28th 2018, 8:28:10

Oh, and signing a uNAP is stupid for all parties involved. The thing shouldn't exist really. NAP's as a treaty are signed to create peace, they always end over something stupid. adding the word unbreakable is just a way to say he don't make up fake fluff to break this pact. Nothing it "foreign relations" is unbreakable. Otherwise you may as well just be the same country (or clan in this case).

Pontius Pirate

EE Patron

Jan 28th 2018, 10:47:45

Originally posted by General Nero:
well said ddd aka bomber. the feeling is mutual lol. :)

Pontius Pirate.....the salty butthurtedness in your incredibly long pointless post while playing the victim....quite sad and paints a very brainwashed one sided story. I do like quite a few of Laf....but as others have said, Laf had it coming this set. That's all. Hence why there are the many clans against you. Speaks for itself.

Also, you are funny for threatening Stones with killing our countries and our tag altogether in the future(LOL. that part gave me a good laugh, thank you). You clearly forget how much fun Stones still has when we die and we don't take dying too seriously, as we always come back.....always. We are here to have fun because we enjoy each others company and playing the game with each other. So if your goal is to ruin the game further for anyone more than it already has been, have at it bad boy.

It's funny how Elders also said how much they like dying and warring and then the next set they were too afraid to tag up.
Originally posted by Cerberus:

This guy is destroying the U.S. Dollars position as the preferred exchange for international trade. The Chinese Ruan is going to replace it soon, then the U.S. will not have control of the IMF

GeneralofRome Game profile


Jan 28th 2018, 20:34:17

Ugh and here I still have 10 more weeks in AIT missing all the damn fun...LaF never honored any of our FDP for the record. I’m gonna go hand my phone back in and get ready for PT in the morning now. Cheers.

Mr Gainsboro Game profile

EE Patron

Feb 1st 2018, 13:14:02

Originally posted by DerrickICN:
I'll explain in the simplest terms possible.

1) Stones has been allied to me personally for their entire existence since they broke off from RA in 2001 and I intend to retire from this game in Stones. We've been building a beneficial relationship for a year now.

If they love you so much why did they sign a unap with laf?
We had no intentions of attacking stones even without a pact, we just wanted to be safe.
Don of LaF

Earth Observer

New Member

Feb 1st 2018, 16:53:59

FDP is not an ADP. You can't break an FDP unless you declare war on said FDP. As I recall that Stones vs Elders war; Stones had the numbers advantage. So an alliance bigger than both warring alliances combined is suppose to come in and destroy the smaller alliance just because they are winning? That is not nor was it ever the intention of an FDP.
If I recall LaF had their own war that set. When did Stones ever war in defense of LaF?

In the end, you don't break an unbreakable pact. Right there in the name.

DerrickICN Game profile

EE Patron

Feb 1st 2018, 19:39:18

ADP is automatically triggered. As in they automatically come in regardless of if asked.

FDP is triggered by FAs. If a clan is FSed and asks an ally for help (which in the case of stones fsing us doesn't make a trigger, however in the case of us fsing stones it does) then the pact terms read that the other tag is obligated to join.

LDP is limited to the desires of the clans.

You're right in acknowledging the difference but clan size should have very little to do with it. If LaF has netter builds, a 15 member war tag would likely blow right through a 40 man Laf. That's not because those 40 countries are soft either. And in that case I could see them calling in a small ally to supplement their poor sdi and spal.

The point is, either time that elders had the FS it should have been fairly obvious that they had the upper hand. Having trounced sof, sol, stones and every other war tag while not having the fs, its fairly obvious of the outcome when elders is provided the fs. Given this overwhelming advantage, in combination with the fact that stones did ask for help from LaF is actually a breach of FDP and thus is broken pact.

Nerrus Game profile


Feb 2nd 2018, 11:01:11

Originally posted by archaic:
I don't hate EVERYONE, I just long for a more civilized time where these matters were settled in a duel at dawn under a strict set of rules. It used to be that way because there were enough people that had agreed on the rules that would intervene to preserve the status quo. Now we have devolved in to clawing at one another for scraps in a subterranean bunker where the only rule is survive one more day.

We have become a lifeboat full of weasels.

I mean honestly, when was the last time a tag threw away a good netting set to come in for an ally on principle in a war they knew they would lose? That fluff used to happen, but now - we just avert our eyes and drive on by.
So true...
^..^ Surren ^..^

The only secrets you know are the secrets I deliberately let you know.

mrcuban Game profile


Feb 2nd 2018, 11:13:57

Add in the fact that a netting set now is a real country grabbing a game bot country, knowing it will not retalz than dumping all your acres at the end... This is a war game people..

Wars never used to have to be friendly, or agreed apon. That's why you pacted and had fa's to communicate with other tags. That's why you build bonds with other tags and have fdps so if you were netting and got blindisded you had buddies who would automatically war prep and have your back.

It was fun. You went into a set with some angst not knowing what would happen.

Requiem Game profile

EE Patron

Feb 2nd 2018, 15:08:06

With people breaking pacts left and right no one will trust a pact anymore and my vision of a pact(less) server is one step closer! Back in my day breaking a pact was poo poo’d and everyone would back that. Guess times have changed :D

Don’t be a fluff and sign a pact you know you will not uphold.
I financially support this game; what do you do?



Feb 2nd 2018, 17:23:30

In all my years of leading alliances in this game, I don't believe I had ever broken a pact.

The game these days is very different, and I don't get involved in politics of any kind here.

point and shoot
Ragnarok's Green Eyed Lady