Jun 15th 2010, 18:19:16
Dev - it wasn't that they weren't interesting 5-6 years ago (although I remember the technology emerging pre-millenium, even). It was that they hadn't quite evolved yet into something that could be marketed effectively due to prohibitive prices.
The thing that makes them interesting, is that they now are capable of creating and maintaining an inventory of bar codes. When a bar code leaves the refrigerator, it is scanned and removed from the inventory, or adjusted by a standardized rate of volume used/use - the same in reverse when items are added. The fridge then has the capability to order new food, arrange delivery, and re-stock it's inventory when it's loaded. Overall, pretty uselesss still unless you're a hopeless technophile, or have way too much money to throw around.
So far as devices you can play this game on:
-iPhone (sucks balls though)
-Droid (worse than iPhone)
-WAP phones (even worse)
-any web machine
-Smart fridge
-Wii (maybe not quite yet, not sure...but it's on the way)
-Nintendo DS (didn't know this one myself)
-McDonald's internet terminals
I'm sure there's more...but needless to say, all this probably gives the development staff nightmares at night.