
Fooglmog Game profile


Feb 14th 2013, 3:51:43

Canada's parliament demonstrates that it can still form bi-partisan support on important issues.

Guy with no clue.

Dibs Ludicrous Game profile


Feb 15th 2013, 19:36:10

why are Canadians so soft spoken? i had to turn up the volume from 16% to 66% just to hear them yell about how successful they'll be in eliminating all of the pot heads from their country.
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Dibs Ludicrous Game profile


Feb 15th 2013, 19:44:16

fascinating... i didn't know that the Maple Leaf was adopted on this day in 1965 because of a royal proclamation... that sounds like somebody told y'all that you're a bunch of saps and needed a proper flag to represent it.
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trumper Game profile


Feb 16th 2013, 15:11:11

Just like your American counterparts, liars, all liars. If Canada will "never" become a safe haven for zombies then why do they have to Zombie preparedness week? Hmm. Case closed.

King_Cobra1 Game profile


Feb 16th 2013, 17:02:20

LOL Trumper was that site for real?

mdevol Game profile


Feb 16th 2013, 19:33:09

While congress is in "gridlock" as you say. That is exactly why this system was setup the way it was.

It has been disgustingly abused by backroom deals and pork projects and "ill sign this if my district is exempt" that is not how our system was set up to run.

all of these people that cry about nothing getting done in washington, thats how it is supposed to be. it is supposed to be almost nothing getting done, because it is suppoed to VERY difficult to pass anything.

the theory behind this is that the very few things that pass are all very good bills that after getting revamped and changed in both houses then debated on and changed some more, are all good bills, they arent they die. this whole notion of passing stuff as a partisan bill without reading it or caring what is in it is what got us into the mess we are in now.
Surely what a man does when he is caught off his guard is the best evidence as to what sort of man he is. - C.S. Lewis

trumper Game profile


Feb 18th 2013, 18:38:25

Originally posted by King_Cobra1:
LOL Trumper was that site for real?

Yes, I believe so. I neglected to say the CDC has done something similar. Their theories are that getting people to pay attention to disaster preparedness is tough, but if they're already talking about they would do on the Walking Dead then that's the way to approach them.

Dibs Ludicrous Game profile


Feb 18th 2013, 19:08:27

we're supposed to do more than clean and fill the tub?
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Fooglmog Game profile


Feb 18th 2013, 20:43:00

I suspect mdevol may not have looked at the video.

Guy with no clue.