Originally posted by highrock:
How about no attacking of alliance mates? This would partially take care of the intra-alliance farming and also GSing into DR...
Then people will detag and retag. Perhaps this could be fixed by altering how tagging works - maybe first time you detag you can retag instantly, next time it takes one minute to retag, then two minutes, then four minutes, 8 minutes, 16, 32,64 and so on...
after five times you are guaranteed a scores update will notice and at 8 times it will take an hour which will certainly get you grabbed.
Of all the things I think flexibility is essential on, attacking your own alliance is not as much one of them. I prefer it to an alternative, but if this is actually an issue (which I am doubtful of) that would be a potential fix.
I don't like the inability to change tags on the alliance server. I don't really like it in team but it sort of makes more sense to me there...