Mar 4th 2011, 1:55:22
Numbers at Express server scale.
Add a new good to the public market, labeled "T-bills", each one obligating the (anonymous)seller to pay 500k dollars to the (anonymous)buyer starting 24 hours after purchase.
Seller gets purchase price; game engine sends 500k per bill from seller's cash balance at 24 mark, or as much is there, and confiscates proceeds of all sales(public or private) and all net tax revenues until bills are paid.
Randomized market times, standing orders should make it hard to send aid to individual countries. Smaller per-bill amounts and "smearing" of marketing times could add more cheat resistance; by smearing I mean you could break up large orders into smaller ones that go on at different times.
A country whose debtors died would receive a message stating how many bills had been defaulted on, but no more payment.
Add a new good to the public market, labeled "T-bills", each one obligating the (anonymous)seller to pay 500k dollars to the (anonymous)buyer starting 24 hours after purchase.
Seller gets purchase price; game engine sends 500k per bill from seller's cash balance at 24 mark, or as much is there, and confiscates proceeds of all sales(public or private) and all net tax revenues until bills are paid.
Randomized market times, standing orders should make it hard to send aid to individual countries. Smaller per-bill amounts and "smearing" of marketing times could add more cheat resistance; by smearing I mean you could break up large orders into smaller ones that go on at different times.
A country whose debtors died would receive a message stating how many bills had been defaulted on, but no more payment.