
BobbyATA Game profile


May 23rd 2010, 2:19:59

So it is my humble opinion there are two main servers in this game primary/alliance.

I think that much of the focus (on the boards and even from game admins) is on alliance b/c the alliance boards are so incredibly active and this is the server of most importance to those on game development team or those "in power" in this EE community. I think as well it would be a surprise to many just how many people only play on the primary server b/c of all the issues on the alliance server. In fact it has long been my opinion alliances in Earth 2025 don't really make sense, but I myself have eventually been drawn to the alliance server b/c of the community element to it. (SKA really started as a group of primary players who used the old TehClub website to just hang out/ compare countries etc. on primary server)

So how can we develop such a community setting in primary? I see a number of difficulties:

1) One of the most important things to doing well in primary is keeping a low profile to avoid suicides from the jealous types/etc.

2) Alliance communities develop in part by finding a common enemy (eg. as much as I hate SOL it helps bring EVO together). IN primary there is no common enemy, and we certainly don't want people branching into subcommunities and turning primary into a psuedo alliance server

3) What exactly do you talk about on teh boards/servers then? So this is a psuedo game development question to which I have no answers. But if we ever do get that influx of fresh blood from facebook advertising/etc. I think we might want to brainstorm how to develop a community setting for primary server ...

Dunno if I'm even making sense here, anyone have any kind of response (might be hard to?)...

snawdog Game profile


May 23rd 2010, 2:50:25

eh..Primary turns are WAY to slow..nuff said.
Well not nuff,but to ME that game is WAY to slow, I mean i can miss 3 days there and hardly have a stored turn(does the word snail come to mind?)
I dunno what it needs,but it sure needs something...+ MOAR turns...
ICQ 364553524

Detmer Game profile


May 23rd 2010, 3:27:23

Does Primary need a "community". I feel like that is a place where people can just play a country in isolation. It is somewhat pure in how it is just you and the server.

mazooka Game profile


May 23rd 2010, 21:20:05

link the primary forum through the ingame menu. and it posts as your country name.i bet people would be more inclined to post and would probably lead to some hilarity =)

silverbeet Game profile


May 25th 2010, 20:58:47

Limit grabs to 2 or 3?

Havoc Game profile


May 26th 2010, 17:36:47

Originally posted by mazooka:
link the primary forum through the ingame menu. and it posts as your country name.i bet people would be more inclined to post and would probably lead to some hilarity =)

That's a great idea.
Unholy Monks | The Omega



May 26th 2010, 21:14:36

the admins have said they dont value the primary server and are seeking to change its name to something like the noob server
they are having a naming contest
the leader so far is noobile lounge

I think that is a shame

individual servers are dead on this site the only action is in the alliance, ffa and express servers where clans are active
if you can win a game without ever fighting a battle; it is not a war game

qzjul Game profile

Game Development

May 26th 2010, 22:17:33

"the admins have said they dont value the primary server"
---> No we haven't

"are seeking to change its name"
---> We simply asked if anybody had a name that was more indicative of what THE ACTUAL RULES is about (for example, in alliance, you are allowed Alliances, in Team, you are allowed Teams... Express is a fast reset, Tournament is a level system (which i guess makes sense).... FFA doesn't make sense really but kindof does i guess.... and Primary..... which doesn't *really* to me say anything about what the server is about)

I think that is a shame
----> it's just a name change?

individual servers are dead on this site the only action is in the alliance, ffa and express servers where clans are active
----> There are no clans in express, and i would have said Primary was the second most number of people after alliance, though that could be wrong;

Primary is actually our focus for new players and whatnot believe it or not; we do respond to the alliance & FFA community fairly regularly as that is where most of the earth community is, whether they play in primary or express or team as well...

But our rulesets and changes always have the Primary server in mind as well, as we realize that that is the most likely place for new players to start, and probably the best place for them to start, as in any alliance-based server so they don't get farmed to crap....

Edit: bah i can't type

Edited By: qzjul on May 26th 2010, 22:18:15
Finally did the signature thing.

moronic1 Game profile


May 26th 2010, 22:37:01

Originally posted by qzjul:

"are seeking to change its name"
---> We simply asked if anybody had a name that was more indicative of what THE ACTUAL RULES is about (for example, in alliance, you are allowed Alliances, in Team, you are allowed Teams... Express is a fast reset, Tournament is a level system (which i guess makes sense).... FFA doesn't make sense really but kindof does i guess.... and Primary..... which doesn't *really* to me say anything about what the server is about)


qzjul Game profile

Game Development

May 26th 2010, 22:39:28

oooh man i butchered that sentence too apparently, now that i read it in a quote... baah... i was thinking "the server" i believe...
Finally did the signature thing.

mazooka Game profile


May 27th 2010, 0:40:20

Originally posted by starstalker4:
the admins have said they dont value the primary server and are seeking to change its name to something like the noob server
they are having a naming contest
the leader so far is noobile lounge

I think that is a shame

individual servers are dead on this site the only action is in the alliance, ffa and express servers where clans are active

you fluffing retarded or what?

did you see the state of the game these people played the last couple of years? been here what 2 sets?

this is totally user made for people to play if they like. if you don't appreciate it piss off

edit- booo on auto fluff
long live the anti-fluff

Edited By: mazooka on May 27th 2010, 0:41:22

Route81 Game profile


May 27th 2010, 8:03:43

hmmm, a name that pops into my mind for primary is "Basics server", as you say it mostly attracts new people to start from and it hasn't any complicated politics going on with clans etc. The "unofficial" rules within the game as "basic".

I'm trying primary out for the first time ever now and I have to agree with Snawdog. If you're used to playing in Alliance, FFA and/or Express, then primary seems extremely slow.

and don't contact me... for anything. :P

silverbeet Game profile


May 28th 2010, 5:18:31

I thought everyone played alliance and just mucked around in the others, coz their number one country is 1a, although the restrictions can't let them do strat calcs, or release their inner demons.

Restricting SS/PS to one would stop farming altogether.