How come we can't sell military and tech at the same time with the same turn? I've always wanted to be able to sell tech and military with the same turn...
is there a reason why we can't do this? it seems like it shouldn't be that hard to have just one "buy" and one "sell" screen as opposed to separate ones for goods and tech. as it is now, the system hurts techers, who have to spend two turns to sell tech and stock. this might be a way to somewhat balance the previous changes that benefitted farmers.
I think 40% is a bit of an exaggeration. Maybe 30% is more accurate. There was also some discussion of how the increased supply could hurt techers overall as demand remained the same.
at least this reset in alliance, the increased supply definitely hurt techers as tech prices were super low throughout. if you look at the potential top 10, it could possibly be almost all farmers and cashers.
It will balance out. Less people will play as a techer if they play a set with poor income thus balancing out the supply which will then increase the price. The game will find a equilibrium.