Nov 25th 2011, 7:34:51
now dr drops the instant 24 hours passes, so when a country is in 0 dr it makes sense to instantly farm as many times as you want, perhaps 7 or 11 then wait till its at 0 instead
if DR was super high for a few minutes you couldnt mass farm instantly, if it was high for an hour or two youd have to spread out hits over many targerts
if it wore off gradually from 1 to 0 over 24 hours someone would get to choose when to preempt and take 10% less land or 20% less land
or 1 for 12 hours then 1 to 0 over 24 more hours a target would be in 50% dr at the same time the target would normally be out of DR and countries would probably be hit a bit less or by different people
the how isnt really as important as instant DR dropoff is bad
spy DR could also be really heavy for a short time then drop off gradually rather than after 24 hours as it is currently, could also be some sort of op to check spy DR