
DruncK Game profile


Jul 25th 2024, 13:22:38

23.3 mins ago
You purchased 146,775 Jets at $138 for $20,254,950 via standing order.
986,954,269 Jets remain in your order.

23.3 mins ago
You purchased 146,775 Jets at $138 for $20,254,950 via standing order.
986,954,241 Jets remain in your order.

23.3 mins ago
You purchased 146,775 Jets at $138 for $20,254,950 via standing order.
986,954,241 Jets remain in your order.

VicRattlehead Game profile


Jul 25th 2024, 14:05:15

Where's the error?

Kingme Game profile


Jul 25th 2024, 16:52:48

What is your total SO unit amount for? I thought maybe it was truncated in the feed, but I'm not sure that works out either.

Kingme Game profile


Jul 25th 2024, 16:53:26

Originally posted by VicRattlehead:
Where's the error?

986,954,269 - 146,775 <> 986,954,241

Tertius Game profile

EE Patron

Jul 25th 2024, 17:13:17

But those are three separate SOs, one of the others could've had a slightly different amount at any point previously, especially if something went to market that didn't easily divide into the number of SOs available (I'm pretty sure I've seen that in my own)?

Turtle Crawler Game profile


Jul 25th 2024, 17:46:03

Originally posted by Tertius:
But those are three separate SOs, one of the others could've had a slightly different amount at any point previously, especially if something went to market that didn't easily divide into the number of SOs available (I'm pretty sure I've seen that in my own)?

Yeah the last one gets shortchanged a bit

DruncK Game profile


Jul 25th 2024, 18:03:26

Ok ya gotcha

Tertius Game profile

EE Patron

Jul 25th 2024, 18:10:55


52.4 mins ago
You purchased 386,761 Bushels at $36 for $13,923,396 via standing order.
16,613,239 Bushels remain in your order.

52.4 mins ago
You purchased 386,764 Bushels at $36 for $13,923,504 via standing order.
16,613,236 Bushels remain in your order.

52.4 mins ago
You purchased 386,764 Bushels at $36 for $13,923,504 via standing order.
16,613,236 Bushels remain in your order.

Kingme Game profile


Jul 25th 2024, 19:13:55

Originally posted by Tertius:

52.4 mins ago
You purchased 386,761 Bushels at $36 for $13,923,396 via standing order.
16,613,239 Bushels remain in your order.

52.4 mins ago
You purchased 386,764 Bushels at $36 for $13,923,504 via standing order.
16,613,236 Bushels remain in your order.

52.4 mins ago
You purchased 386,764 Bushels at $36 for $13,923,504 via standing order.
16,613,236 Bushels remain in your order.

Yeah, I guess I never paid close enough attention to notice. It makes sense. I just saw it myself in express. Learn something new everyday.

DruncK Game profile


Jul 25th 2024, 19:58:34

It's not due to lack of goods being sold...

mins ago
You sold 2830 Bushels for $113,200.
4,343,249,029 Bushels remain for sale.

22.5 mins ago
You sold 2828 Bushels for $113,120.
4,343,251,859 Bushels remain for sale.

22.5 mins ago
You sold 2831 Bushels for $113,240.
4,343,254,687 Bushels remain for sale.

22.6 mins ago
You sold 2835 Bushels for $113,400.
4,343,257,518 Bushels remain for sale.

22.6 mins ago
You sold 2812 Bushels for $112,480.
4,343,260,353 Bushels remain for sale.

ZEN Game profile

EE Patron

Jul 31st 2024, 21:00:24

I honestly thought he was talking like a valley girl.....

like...."SO, math error? Like hello?"

DruncK Game profile


Aug 1st 2024, 1:39:18

Originally posted by ZEN:
I honestly thought he was talking like a valley girl.....

like...."SO, math error? Like hello?"

Hands up, wrists bent, neck out