
Dragon Game profile


Jul 24th 2010, 22:39:48

I've had to recall bushels 3 times in the last 5 hours because people are impatient.

There's no reason you farmers should be selling bushels for less than $50 or $60. But if you like, I'll keep gaining acres, building farms and watching Theos win again because theycan stockpile cheap food.

snawdog Game profile


Jul 24th 2010, 22:50:51

Cheap food?
Have you seen the danged tech prices?
ICQ 364553524

Dragon Game profile


Jul 24th 2010, 22:59:56

That's a natural downside to Express I think. People play less turns before they buy/sell and the damned recall goods button seals the deal.

I like that feature in every other server but not here. I personally think it skews the market and always does so to the downside for every player that isn't sitting on his (or her) Express country 24/7

Dragon Game profile


Jul 24th 2010, 23:01:08

I mean, a 3 turn penalty for recalling goods when you're getting 15 an hour is NOT a deterrent to pulling your goods and reselling lower.

Fatty Game profile


Jul 24th 2010, 23:02:27

Snawdog > Food!



Farming alliances since 2002.

Dibs Ludicrous Game profile


Jul 24th 2010, 23:03:24

don't need that much tech dude.
There are no messages in your Inbox.
Elvis has left the building.

enshula Game profile

EE Patron

Jul 24th 2010, 23:11:10

by the same token anyone buying stuff can wait unless they have to play

Dragon Game profile


Jul 24th 2010, 23:16:41

Yeah but you better than anyone know that's not gonna happen. You're gonna suck up as many bushels as you can for your stockpile at the best price you can get.

The problem is that the Farmers invariably don't see the big picture. Giving Enshula a bargain on bushels because they just want to sell some food screws THEM in the long run.

Farmers enable every non-farmer to finish ahead of them because they decide to compete with other farmers as opposed to setting a price by agreement and sticking to it.

Dibs Ludicrous Game profile


Jul 24th 2010, 23:20:49

what are they waiting for?
There are no messages in your Inbox.
Elvis has left the building.

Dragon Game profile


Jul 24th 2010, 23:23:20

They're waiting for food or tech or weapons to come down in price. And it's a buyer's market in this game because the sellers don't understand that they collectively could do a lot better by setting prices and sticking to them.

Dragon Game profile


Jul 24th 2010, 23:47:52

Blake can be such an idiot at times.

Dragon Game profile


Jul 24th 2010, 23:58:07

Down to $38

How low do you wanna go? I can sell on my PM at 32. We can go there if you like.

enshula Game profile

EE Patron

Jul 25th 2010, 1:42:18

by waiting i mean just chuck some orders on and play later, but personally i dont mind buying 65 ish food too much, when its 90 or more though i usually get a tad irritated if i bought it without really noticing the price, particularly early set when $/acre is low

and because express is so short very few people need to stock food, and with 4 hour market time its easy for there to be no food or too much food when you need to play

the same with mil tech and oil

even in primary and team sometimes theres no oil when i want to play, and occasionally no food

enshula Game profile

EE Patron

Jul 25th 2010, 1:47:17

what it really means though is if prices are higher or lower than the equilibrium point then the amount of people that buy or sell that commodity the next set changes

because each buyer or seller only needs to play 4 times over 5 days its always going to be volatile

this set the average food price has been 45 but some has sold at 90

NOW3P Game profile


Jul 25th 2010, 2:44:52

The recall goods button should go for Express, and time on market should be cut to just a few hrs. (it's 8 now, I think?)

Either that, or people should just stop AB'ing every Commie that double taps them forcing them to all-x, and dissuading C/I's (and fasc, and dict, and any other strat that needs to grab land to grow well)....

Seriously we really need this exact same post every freakin set? Does it really only set in just how screwed up the markets are on this server (because of the politics) when you're running the strat that the market is crapping on?

ICe Man


Jul 25th 2010, 3:35:21

It wasn't me, I promise =)

er, well, it was kinda :|

I have nearly 45m food now -- I gotta put it somewhere :P
Thank God, for I'm a blessed man.

Deerhunter Game profile


Jul 25th 2010, 14:36:24

i want to thank all you farmers selling for 38. eariler in set i was paying 66 when i could get it. Now i just bought millions of bushals to stock for later in case you bastads get any ideas. Thanks for letting me have a great set guys.
Ya, tho i walk through the valley of the shadow of death,
I shall fear no retals,
Cause i have the biggest, baddest, and toughest country in the valley!

Deerhunter Game profile


Jul 25th 2010, 15:09:26

food is now down to 37. looks like it could go cheaper. better sell for 32 so theos loose money selling food.
Ya, tho i walk through the valley of the shadow of death,
I shall fear no retals,
Cause i have the biggest, baddest, and toughest country in the valley!

Dragon Game profile


Jul 25th 2010, 18:37:22

Originally posted by NOW3P:
The recall goods button should go for Express, and time on market should be cut to just a few hrs. (it's 8 now, I think?)

Seriously we really need this exact same post every freakin set? Does it really only set in just how screwed up the markets are on this server (because of the politics) when you're running the strat that the market is crapping on?

I'm playing a Dict Farmer this reset. As a netgainer, one notices things. So yeah, if I notice something that doesn't make sense, I'm gonna talk about it. No matter how many times or how many other people have talked about it.

One of which is that farmers trying to lowball each other should just pick a couple Theos and FA them cash and weapons. That's really the net effect (no pun intended) of farmers driving the price of food down.

I mean, it would be one thing if Supply and Demand was dictating food prices, but that's not the case here.



Jul 25th 2010, 19:00:18

why post on the forum

do it in game
the guys who are selling cheap are also running without spies

Edited By: starstalker4 on Jul 25th 2010, 19:16:08
See Original Post
if you can win a game without ever fighting a battle; it is not a war game

Dragon Game profile


Jul 25th 2010, 21:35:35

Why post on the forum? Because Discussion is always a good thing.

SO they're running without spies. That's important how?

jiff69 Game profile


Jul 25th 2010, 22:06:04

next set im going to run a theo farmer and sell bushels at 30 just to make you cry
"I have no words that would do justice to the atrocities you commit to the English language, as well as your continued assaults on the concepts of basic literacy and logical reasoning."
-Tom Achronos

Dragon Game profile


Jul 25th 2010, 22:32:13

Nah. MyY experiment is over. I won't be running a farmer next reset. Too many morons in the soup. :)

NOW3P Game profile


Jul 25th 2010, 23:05:01

Farmer is usually a rough strat in Express - the play style here just doesn't support it overly well. It is getting rather boring seeing a top 10 of all Reps/Theos set in and set in and set out...

Dragon Game profile


Jul 26th 2010, 0:07:34

That's why I decided to try a Farmer. And as long as you have Reps/Theos landpigging and more importantly being fed by moron Farmers, nothing will change.

I mean, when's the last time a Farmer won Express? Makes me wonder if some guys just don't get together and run farmers to support their buddies.

Part of the problem is that Farmers either don't know how to play a Farmer or aren't willing to play one right.

Part of the problem is the whole land race thing.

Part of the problem is that players repeatedly create countries and either run defenseless or don't punish land farmers.

Part of the problem is that it only takes 3 turns to take your good or tech off the market if you get lowballed. Which leads back to encouraging land farming.

Part of the problem is that there's nowhere NEAR enough players on the server. Which means available land is short. I think I may have misrepresented myself. I totally understand why people might be tempted to farm other players. In fact, It's become abundantly clear to me that double taps ARE pretty much acceptable due to the lack of players.