
Slagpit Game profile

Game Development

May 8th 2021, 15:37:52

Game changes:

* The initial country for each player will receive 180 bonus turns at the start of the round. This increases the base number of turns in a round from 1805 to 1985. Players who create their initial country more than 36 hours after the round has begun may lose out on turns.
* The default number of hours that goods remain on the market has been lowered from 8 to 7.

NPC changes:

* Indies are able to play their first 180 turns right away. They may or may not place military goods on the market at the 180 turn mark. Selling goods that early isn't meaningful because demand will be extremely low.
* Indies perform better when prices are very low.

* Farmers are able to play their first 180 turns right away and will place bushels for sale on the public market.
* Farmers should no longer get caught in a pattern where they have less than 100 troops of defense for a long time.

* Most techers are able to play their first 180 turns right away and will place tech for sale on the market by turn 180.
* Techers spend fewer turns teching at low tpt and spend fewer turns exploring overall.

* Cashers are able to play some of their initial 180 turns right away, but will hold turns and wait for food to appear on the public market. They will not purchase food off private during protection except under extraordinary conditions.

To clarify, this is a minor set of NPC changes designed to allow for the bonus 180 turns. There's a bigger update planned before I start working on seasons.

Edited By: Slagpit on May 8th 2021, 18:01:49
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