Apr 10th 2024, 2:24:07
First place was Skol who was teching. Techers start fast and are strong in short sets like express.
2nd place was me and I played as a fascist farmer and did a theo destock. Most of these theos are doing that, not playing a theo techer full set.
We are either doing it because techers are strong or because a theo destock is strong on a short server and with the market this server has.
I’ve tried many sets to win with a rep casher, I think I’ve got second place but never won. It’s very difficult.
Demo techers finish very strong as well though. They are very strong if you resell, the bots sell stuff super cheap so you can resell with the demo.
Theo is king of this server though hands down, I say that as someone who likes to try to win with hard to win with strategies.