Apr 20th 2010, 19:14:38
00:00 04/21/2010 Eastern Standard Time.
04:00 04/21/2010 Forum Time.
9 Hours from now.
Hits done on focus by aodt after that will be dealt with accordingly, ie if theres a kill run on a focus country, focus will kill the countries involved.
Hits done on aodt after ceasefire time will be dealt with by aodt's police, and I'd assume handled accordingly per their discretion.
We think imp and dk should follow our lead and exit, let nbk have a little alone time with their prom dates in aodt.
If they don't follow suit however.... meh... theres enough holes(<<--re-edit) for everyone. *Crippy is giving me grammar pointers... yeah I know, him of all people*
Ministry of Destruction