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Dibs Ludicrous:
and the fact that you're still 6 times more likely to die in a hospital from da infection dat you're not suppossed to get, than to be involved in an alcohol related fatality.
Don't Drive Drunk! Let Da Doctors Get Their Frags In.
The hospital population is much different than the general population. Not that I particularly think drunk driving is half the problem it's made out to be--especially with the ridiculously low alcohol limits (I mean, c'mon, how can states charge someone with driving impaired BELOW the per se limit, and they do!).
To Haseeb--irrelevant point. Will there is a will there is a way; aka crazy people will use anything as a weapon if it accomplishes whatever end they're seeking. Your home is your castle and you have a fundamental basic right to protect yourself, your family and your property. It's not a new concept by any means.