[quote poster=Detmer; 6615; 112240]
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Again, I don't see why my words are literal but the words of the person I made a completely outlandish claim about, when taken literally, are considered at face value. I could have said "Sarah Palin caused this to happen" if I wanted to make that point and not be ludicrous about it.
Maybe because your initial post title was "Sarah Palin is a terrorist organizer"?
I hate to be nit-picky about it, but once you make a post like that, anything thereafter is going to be rather hard to take serious. It's obviously an outlandish claim, but given that it was your introduction to the argument people are going to be inclined to take it as your opinion.
I agree with you %100 that politics can be improved. But bear in mind 2 things:
1. They have been this way for millenia, and until human nature itself changes, politics will not either.
2. Knee jerk reactions to traumatic/emotional events are usually an incredibly bad thing. But at the same time, trying to redirect every potential bad thing that could happen is just as disruptive, and in some cases even more so.
I would venture a wild guess, having watched his youtube channels and checked out some of his posting, that Laughner didn't like ::anything:: that would qualify as mainstream. I would bet that right wing politics set him off just as badly as left wing politics, and that his victims in Tuscon were simply in the wrong place at the wrong time....but could have just as easily been Republic, Tea Party, or even Green Party.
Unfortunately, I don't think anything but Jared Laughner affected Jared Laughner's decision to do what he did. The guy was obviously a grade A looney tune who twisted information to be whatever he wanted it to be, and casting doubt on anyone (Palin, Republicans, Politicians, etc) or anything (Political rhetoric, dirty campaigning) for his insane decision is A. retrospective at best, and B. unfair.
Unfortunately, not every event has a tangible cause, and I think this is just one of those situations.
Thank you for clarifying your point of view for me though - I do see where you're coming from a little bit better now.
BTW - I am all for a national discussion on amending politics to be more relevant, but given how this thread started I would say this probably just isn't the place. Once that tone is set, it's hard to get away from.