
Ominix Game profile


Mar 15th 2012, 1:17:21

Just as the topic says. I need help calculating my total expenses.

So far it seems like the numbers I'm getting from the formulas provided, aren't matching what the game is spitting out.

I think the one that is causing most of the problems for me is the ally expense.

Defensive Allies: DefAllies * Networth * 0.002 (0.2% of NW each)
Offensive Allies: OffAllies * Networth * 0.002 (0.2% of NW each)
Intelligence Allies: IntelAllies * Networth * 0.0015 (0.15% of NW each)
Research Allies: ResAllies * Networth * 0.0015 (0.15% of NW each)
Trade Pacts: TradePacts * Networth * 0.0005 (0.05% of NW each)

so does OffAllies and DefAllies just need a number like 1 or 2, since I have one or two allies. Then multiplied by our total networth, or just my networth. Then mulitiplied by 0.002 x (0.002 of each allies networth?

This formula is terribly written and hard to figure out.

Thanks in advance for any help

Ominix Game profile


Mar 15th 2012, 16:08:35

i guess nobody knows

Marshal Game profile


Mar 15th 2012, 17:20:58

only your nw is needed.

allies nws are meaningless unless you are gonna fa them.
Patience: Yep, I'm with ELK and Marshal.

ELKronos: Patty is more hairy.

Gallery: K at least I am to my expectations now.

LadyGrizz boobies is fine

NOW3P: Morwen is a much harsher mistress than boredom....

Angryjesus Game profile


Mar 15th 2012, 20:12:12

Just your nw is factored in. Also the number of allies of that type you have is the number of times you pay.

Ominix Game profile


Mar 16th 2012, 1:29:00

Thanks for the help guys. After playing around last night I got the numbers to work out for the alliance members.

Im still working on the military expenses aspect of it. Im close enough to the correct numbers that I'm not going to fuss too much on it.

I think the only area that's adding difficulty is the military bases. The Wiki is weakly written for the formula that reduces the expenses.