
Klown Game profile


Mar 2nd 2012, 6:55:30

And to those of you who support a right to abortion, why do you support abortion rights but not new born killing rights?

Pain Game profile


Mar 2nd 2012, 11:20:47

an abortion is not the same as killing a living breathing baby. more propaganda from the anti abortionists.

at some point in the pregnancy abortion shouldnt happen, i will agree if you havent realized you need an abortion and youre 6 months along, deal with it. in the first 90 days or so? go for it.
Your mother is a nice woman

Twain Game profile


Mar 2nd 2012, 14:19:53

The main problem I have with hardcore pro-lifers is that they tend not to be very consistent in their viewpoints.

I generally think abortion is a terrible thing and should be limited to the first trimester except in the case of when the life of the mother is in danger (Rape/Incest situations should easily be handled in the first trimester).

However, typically, it seems like those that are pro-lifers argue that life is too precious. However, many of those same people argue in favor of capital punishment. If life is precious, then that's the end of the statement. There is no "Life is precious EXCEPT...."

Furthermore, it bothers me when the people that are strongly pro-life are completely against the usage and education on usage of contraceptives. It's a small percentage of the general public that buys into the whole "Abstinence Until Marriage" idea when they're a horny 16 or 17 year old kid. Or worse, when they're a horny 21 year old kid at a college party who's also drunk.

One other thing I find tedious about this argument, at least in American politics, is that there's very little that our politicians can do about it, yet it's a topic of discussion every 2 or 4 years. It doesn't really matter if Pres. Obama is pro-choice or pro-life just like it won't matter if whoever is president from 2013-2017 will be pro-choice or pro-life. The Supreme Court decided a full ban on abortion is unconstitutional. Unless they hear another abortion case and reverse that ruling or there's a constitutional amendment, there's nothing a president or senator or congressman can really do to completely ban abortion.

The topic of discussion should be: What can we do to decrease the number of abortions?

And to that question, I would have no problem putting further hurdles towards people who are already pregnant (once again, excepting certain situations, like rape, incest or health of mother) and wanting an abortion, but at the same time, allow teenagers in high school to learn about contraceptive us in health class. It won't promote those that truly want to remain virgins until marriage to start having sex, it'll only promote that those that ARE having sex are doing it more safely.

Dibs Ludicrous Game profile


Mar 2nd 2012, 20:29:49

let me know when we're allowed to eat them like hamsters. hmmm, are we allowed to eat hamsters?
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Twain Game profile


Mar 2nd 2012, 20:32:51

Originally posted by Dibs Ludicrous:
let me know when we're allowed to eat them like hamsters. hmmm, are we allowed to eat hamsters?

I don't believe there are any laws in place banning the eating of hamster.

Not much meat though. Takes probably at least a dozen to make a good meal.

Dibs Ludicrous Game profile


Mar 2nd 2012, 21:13:04

mmmm, hamster McNuggets.
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EE Patron

Mar 2nd 2012, 21:44:57

You can eat placenta
Originally posted by Mr. Titanium:
Watch your mouth boy, I have never been accused of cheating on any server nor deleted before you just did right there.

Detmer Game profile


Mar 3rd 2012, 0:00:07

Well I only support abortion for the first two trimesters so it should be obvious why I do not support killing new-borns... I agree that killing a newborn is akin to killing a near-birth fetus.

Terror Game profile


Mar 3rd 2012, 4:43:55

When a human exists to the detriment of the rest of humanity, the death of that human doesn't bother me. This doesn't give me the right to choose that death for someone else's baby, but I feel no compulsion to write laws against someone who does choose to do that to their own baby. Contrary to our instincts, babies are the least valuable people in society. They have not been taught anything and have no ability to do anything useful. There are many hunter gatherer societies that historically did not keep unwanted children. It could endanger the survival of the entire community. I do not condemn them.

It is far better to not have children you are not prepared to care for, but until I am allowed to withhold my tax dollars in support of these unwanted children so that they can properly starve to death when their mothers can't care for them just as nature intended, abortion is a good option. Infanticide is not as good. I don't prefer cruelty--only that people take responsibility for their reproduction.



Mar 4th 2012, 18:06:48

Terror is right up until the point of saying that babies are the least valuable people. To be very direct, some babies are more valuable than adults who act in the direct detriment of society (such as unreformable criminals).

And babies themselves tend to have different potentials, and the best way to determine his potential is to examine the intelligence/pedigree of his parents. If his parents and entire heritage have been shameless societal parasites, then the baby will likely be the same. If his pedigree show great contributors to society, with only deadbeat parents, he will much more likely be an active contributor to this world.

Accordingly, we should treat different people with foresight.

KoHeartsGPA Game profile

EE Patron

Mar 5th 2012, 20:54:25

How can you say "its not a life" if there's a heart beat!!! Don't get me started!! Its hilarious how the left loves to call our military "baby killers" all while themselves supporting partial birth abortions.. *vomits*
Mess with me you better kill me, or I'll just take your pride & joy and jack it up


S.F. Giants 2010, 2012, 2014 World Series Champions, fluff YEAH!



Mar 5th 2012, 22:37:40

Not every beating heart is the same, of course.

Dibs Ludicrous Game profile


Mar 5th 2012, 22:54:01

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legion Game profile


Mar 6th 2012, 1:59:50

Nobody puts baby in a corner

uldust Game profile


Mar 6th 2012, 2:05:14

if its good 90 days before than 90 days after is just as good. When people get to old to do for themselves thats good to. people to slow of wit thats very good.

Detmer Game profile


Mar 6th 2012, 14:06:33

Originally posted by KoHeartsGPA:
How can you say "its not a life" if there's a heart beat!!! Don't get me started!! Its hilarious how the left loves to call our military "baby killers" all while themselves supporting partial birth abortions.. *vomits*

Cows have heartbeats and we kill them all the time. Just like a fetus, they are not humans.

What is partial-birth? One arm and one leg sticking out of the woman? Talk about a stupid term.

The left doesn't call the military "baby killers". That is something that people like Rush Limbaugh made up and then his brainless lackeys lapped up. People on the left generally view our military as a force for defending our country, not for unilateral aggression. The left values the lives of our troops over 20 cents at the pump. The left likes keeping our troops out of harm's way as much as possible. The left actually supports our troops.


EE Patron

Mar 6th 2012, 17:02:26

I usually call the troops 'murderers.'
Originally posted by Mr. Titanium:
Watch your mouth boy, I have never been accused of cheating on any server nor deleted before you just did right there.

Klown Game profile


Mar 6th 2012, 20:59:13

Originally posted by Detmer:
Originally posted by KoHeartsGPA:
How can you say "its not a life" if there's a heart beat!!! Don't get me started!! Its hilarious how the left loves to call our military "baby killers" all while themselves supporting partial birth abortions.. *vomits*

Cows have heartbeats and we kill them all the time. Just like a fetus, they are not humans.

What is partial-birth? One arm and one leg sticking out of the woman? Talk about a stupid term.

The left doesn't call the military "baby killers". That is something that people like Rush Limbaugh made up and then his brainless lackeys lapped up. People on the left generally view our military as a force for defending our country, not for unilateral aggression. The left values the lives of our troops over 20 cents at the pump. The left likes keeping our troops out of harm's way as much as possible. The left actually supports our troops.

How in the world is a fetus not a human? I can see it argued that its not a 'person' philosophically speaking, in the sense that a new born is also not a 'person' as it does not yet recognize itself as itself etc. You are a human and you were a fetus. If you were killed as a fetus, it would have been YOU that was killed, as you would not exist.

If your mother traveled in time and asked you if it was okay if she killed you as a fetus, I suspect you would say no, because that's you. If you would say no to your mother, its indefensible to support abortion. The fetuses being killed would love to say 'no', but they can't yet.


EE Patron

Mar 6th 2012, 21:14:52

Klown, a fetus is not a human because... it's a fetus. Just like an egg is not a chicken. It's a step toward becoming a human, and how sacred you think that is is up to you. But at that stage it's simply a bundle of cells without conscious thought or anything else that makes us human. If my mother had an abortion, I wouldn't be getting killed, I simply would never exist. And although I think abortion is overall kind of 'bad' that would be her choice, since she is a mature human and the fetus is inside her body.
Originally posted by Mr. Titanium:
Watch your mouth boy, I have never been accused of cheating on any server nor deleted before you just did right there.

Klown Game profile


Mar 6th 2012, 21:47:21

The embryo inside of an egg IS a chicken once its fertilized. Its the first part of life. The fertilized egg WAS you, and if it was killed it was you being killed (as evidenced by you not existing), you just didn't realize it at the time.


EE Patron

Mar 6th 2012, 21:57:22

So from the moment of conception you think the egg is a human? That thinking might be true for you but I would not consider that "me" and I don't think you can persuade people otherwise if they don't happen to agree with you. Therefore the problem with legislating against abortion.
Originally posted by Mr. Titanium:
Watch your mouth boy, I have never been accused of cheating on any server nor deleted before you just did right there.

Klown Game profile


Mar 6th 2012, 21:58:46

Can you tell me why you were 'you' when you were a newborn but not as a fetus? The article I posted draws the conclusion you weren't 'you' as a newborn or as a fetus, which is at least consistent.


EE Patron

Mar 6th 2012, 22:03:27

No, I can't tell you that because I don't think there is a bright line when you become "you." The moment of birth is just a convenient line to draw from a practicality standpoint, and a much more accurate line than one drawn at conception would be.
Originally posted by Mr. Titanium:
Watch your mouth boy, I have never been accused of cheating on any server nor deleted before you just did right there.

Terror Game profile


Mar 6th 2012, 23:49:01

Babies don't have much of a sense of self until after they are a year old and possibly two, so the concept of asking the me that was a fetus many years ago if I object to my mother having an abortion would not just be beyond my language ability, but literally beyond my ability to care about it.

If I set that aside though and use my adult intellect to answer for my unborn self, I still support my mother's right to choose. Somehow I doubt this will sell Klown on my pov though.

I think watertowers undervalues unreformable criminals. Those are the people I want manning a colonization space mission to Mars never to return to earth. Penal colonies have in the past proven to be a relatively effective way to populate new territories. Those people's inability to follow rules and fight for dominance is exactly what would keep them alive as a Martian colonist.

Klown Game profile


Mar 7th 2012, 0:01:47

Originally posted by Terror:

If I set that aside though and use my adult intellect to answer for my unborn self, I still support my mother's right to choose. Somehow I doubt this will sell Klown on my pov though.

No, that's fine, but I think we should put you on suicide watch.

Oceana Game profile


Mar 7th 2012, 12:25:24

But I do think it problematic to say we will charge someone with murder today for doing the same thing they were legal doing the day or two before.

KoHeartsGPA Game profile

EE Patron

Mar 7th 2012, 21:28:18

Detmer, go get your head checked, bro, you define made us all smarter just by posting that idiotic remark about arms and legs and cows and Rush? LMFAO!! WOW!!!!
Mess with me you better kill me, or I'll just take your pride & joy and jack it up


S.F. Giants 2010, 2012, 2014 World Series Champions, fluff YEAH!

Twain Game profile


Mar 7th 2012, 22:49:08

Originally posted by KoHeartsGPA:
Detmer, go get your head checked, bro, you define made us all smarter just by posting that idiotic remark about arms and legs and cows and Rush? LMFAO!! WOW!!!!

You realize by saying he made us smarter, you're giving him credit for educating everyone else in the thread, right?

Try adding something to the conversation for once before you criticize others.

Dibs Ludicrous Game profile


Mar 7th 2012, 23:53:13

are y'all doing the arguement where people ain't allowed to kill each other and God will punish them for doing it? so it really shouldn't matter if other people want to go around killing each other. i think it's a bit easier to eat a bowl of rice though.
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Mar 8th 2012, 0:25:05

Banning abortion is suicide.

More babies, more resources consumed, faster to the end of the world.

Oh god what have I done
~LaF's Retired Janitor~

Terror Game profile


Mar 8th 2012, 1:43:48

It's not that simple Forgotten. Humans are merely following the same pattern as bacteria in a petri dish. The multiply until until they exceed the population load for their environment thus damaging it so that it will hold less afterward, but it doesn't just become lifeless.

So it's not the end of the world that we face--just a lot of pain and suffering. Unfortunately there isn't much to do about it. Those who believe we should have fewer children will simply have their ideas overwhelmed by the progeny of those who think having more children is better. Catholics for example would be fine with breeding out the non-Catholic population of the world.



Mar 8th 2012, 4:45:50

if all christians died, they would go the heaven, great for them, right?

if all christians died, world would drop to less than 5billion people.

great for the world right?

~LaF's Retired Janitor~

Twain Game profile


Mar 8th 2012, 13:22:29

Originally posted by Forgotten:
if all christians died, they would go the heaven, great for them, right?

if all christians died, world would drop to less than 5billion people.

great for the world right?


Certainly better than all the Buddhists dying. They'd just come back again. :(

Detmer Game profile


Mar 9th 2012, 15:25:14

Originally posted by Klown:
Originally posted by Detmer:
Originally posted by KoHeartsGPA:
How can you say "its not a life" if there's a heart beat!!! Don't get me started!! Its hilarious how the left loves to call our military "baby killers" all while themselves supporting partial birth abortions.. *vomits*

Cows have heartbeats and we kill them all the time. Just like a fetus, they are not humans.

What is partial-birth? One arm and one leg sticking out of the woman? Talk about a stupid term.

The left doesn't call the military "baby killers". That is something that people like Rush Limbaugh made up and then his brainless lackeys lapped up. People on the left generally view our military as a force for defending our country, not for unilateral aggression. The left values the lives of our troops over 20 cents at the pump. The left likes keeping our troops out of harm's way as much as possible. The left actually supports our troops.

How in the world is a fetus not a human? I can see it argued that its not a 'person' philosophically speaking, in the sense that a new born is also not a 'person' as it does not yet recognize itself as itself etc. You are a human and you were a fetus. If you were killed as a fetus, it would have been YOU that was killed, as you would not exist.

If your mother traveled in time and asked you if it was okay if she killed you as a fetus, I suspect you would say no, because that's you. If you would say no to your mother, its indefensible to support abortion. The fetuses being killed would love to say 'no', but they can't yet.

Actually I know for a fact I was nearly aborted and I respect that. I appreciate that I was born, but I do not think that the infinite number of mythical fetuses are a realistic audience to poll. I am glad there are abortions, even if it almost happened to me.

So a fetus is a human? Is a sperm a human? What do you think makes something a human? I think that term 'human' is just as fine philosophically as 'person'. Something that does not have consciousness is not a human (not that consciousness alone defines a human), it is just some arbitrary lump of cells. the lump of cells in the womb does not gain consciousness until the third trimester. At that point it is a human life. Before that it might as well be a cabbage.

KoH, you are humiliating yourself.

Twain Game profile


Mar 10th 2012, 14:54:13

Originally posted by Detmer:
Originally posted by Klown:
Originally posted by Detmer:
Originally posted by KoHeartsGPA:
How can you say "its not a life" if there's a heart beat!!! Don't get me started!! Its hilarious how the left loves to call our military "baby killers" all while themselves supporting partial birth abortions.. *vomits*

Cows have heartbeats and we kill them all the time. Just like a fetus, they are not humans.

What is partial-birth? One arm and one leg sticking out of the woman? Talk about a stupid term.

The left doesn't call the military "baby killers". That is something that people like Rush Limbaugh made up and then his brainless lackeys lapped up. People on the left generally view our military as a force for defending our country, not for unilateral aggression. The left values the lives of our troops over 20 cents at the pump. The left likes keeping our troops out of harm's way as much as possible. The left actually supports our troops.

How in the world is a fetus not a human? I can see it argued that its not a 'person' philosophically speaking, in the sense that a new born is also not a 'person' as it does not yet recognize itself as itself etc. You are a human and you were a fetus. If you were killed as a fetus, it would have been YOU that was killed, as you would not exist.

If your mother traveled in time and asked you if it was okay if she killed you as a fetus, I suspect you would say no, because that's you. If you would say no to your mother, its indefensible to support abortion. The fetuses being killed would love to say 'no', but they can't yet.

Actually I know for a fact I was nearly aborted and I respect that. I appreciate that I was born, but I do not think that the infinite number of mythical fetuses are a realistic audience to poll. I am glad there are abortions, even if it almost happened to me.

So a fetus is a human? Is a sperm a human? What do you think makes something a human? I think that term 'human' is just as fine philosophically as 'person'. Something that does not have consciousness is not a human (not that consciousness alone defines a human), it is just some arbitrary lump of cells. the lump of cells in the womb does not gain consciousness until the third trimester. At that point it is a human life. Before that it might as well be a cabbage.

KoH, you are humiliating yourself.

If you want to say that the joining of sperm and egg is an arbitrary point to consider it "human life," I'd be curious to hear what the line exactly is. You bring up third trimester. Is there some specific occurrence during third trimester that shifts the balance from "lump of cells" to "human being?" What is that occurrence?

I'm far from 100% against abortion, but I also find your line in the sand to be far more arbitrary than those of the pro-lifers in this thread. I understand the need to draw a line somewhere, but unless you're simply making it "third trimester" simply for the purpose of having a clean, easy line, then I don't really see any justifiable difference between an unborn child at 26 weeks and an unborn child at 27 weeks.

Detmer Game profile


Mar 11th 2012, 16:49:11

Originally posted by Twain:
Originally posted by Detmer:
Originally posted by Klown:
Originally posted by Detmer:
Originally posted by KoHeartsGPA:
How can you say "its not a life" if there's a heart beat!!! Don't get me started!! Its hilarious how the left loves to call our military "baby killers" all while themselves supporting partial birth abortions.. *vomits*

Cows have heartbeats and we kill them all the time. Just like a fetus, they are not humans.

What is partial-birth? One arm and one leg sticking out of the woman? Talk about a stupid term.

The left doesn't call the military "baby killers". That is something that people like Rush Limbaugh made up and then his brainless lackeys lapped up. People on the left generally view our military as a force for defending our country, not for unilateral aggression. The left values the lives of our troops over 20 cents at the pump. The left likes keeping our troops out of harm's way as much as possible. The left actually supports our troops.

How in the world is a fetus not a human? I can see it argued that its not a 'person' philosophically speaking, in the sense that a new born is also not a 'person' as it does not yet recognize itself as itself etc. You are a human and you were a fetus. If you were killed as a fetus, it would have been YOU that was killed, as you would not exist.

If your mother traveled in time and asked you if it was okay if she killed you as a fetus, I suspect you would say no, because that's you. If you would say no to your mother, its indefensible to support abortion. The fetuses being killed would love to say 'no', but they can't yet.

Actually I know for a fact I was nearly aborted and I respect that. I appreciate that I was born, but I do not think that the infinite number of mythical fetuses are a realistic audience to poll. I am glad there are abortions, even if it almost happened to me.

So a fetus is a human? Is a sperm a human? What do you think makes something a human? I think that term 'human' is just as fine philosophically as 'person'. Something that does not have consciousness is not a human (not that consciousness alone defines a human), it is just some arbitrary lump of cells. the lump of cells in the womb does not gain consciousness until the third trimester. At that point it is a human life. Before that it might as well be a cabbage.

KoH, you are humiliating yourself.

If you want to say that the joining of sperm and egg is an arbitrary point to consider it "human life," I'd be curious to hear what the line exactly is. You bring up third trimester. Is there some specific occurrence during third trimester that shifts the balance from "lump of cells" to "human being?" What is that occurrence?

I'm far from 100% against abortion, but I also find your line in the sand to be far more arbitrary than those of the pro-lifers in this thread. I understand the need to draw a line somewhere, but unless you're simply making it "third trimester" simply for the purpose of having a clean, easy line, then I don't really see any justifiable difference between an unborn child at 26 weeks and an unborn child at 27 weeks.

Third trimester is when a fetus gains consciousness. A human consciousness is in my eyes what separates us from the animals and perhaps is tantamount to being a soul.

Detmer Game profile


Mar 11th 2012, 16:52:02

Here is a general audience link touching on that:

Twain Game profile


Mar 12th 2012, 2:07:17

Just to play devil's advocate:

1) I have a friend who had a child very premature, about 5 to 5 1/2 months into the pregnancy, which is clearly a 2nd trimester baby. Would it be okay to kill that child for the first few weeks of its life because it wasn't to the 6 months of development?

2) If someone is badly injured and ends up in a coma, is it okay to kill them off? (Not just let them die, but to actually kill them)

Detmer Game profile


Mar 12th 2012, 22:30:00

Originally posted by Twain:
Just to play devil's advocate:

1) I have a friend who had a child very premature, about 5 to 5 1/2 months into the pregnancy, which is clearly a 2nd trimester baby. Would it be okay to kill that child for the first few weeks of its life because it wasn't to the 6 months of development?

2) If someone is badly injured and ends up in a coma, is it okay to kill them off? (Not just let them die, but to actually kill them)

1) Do babies develop the same out of the womb as in the womb? If so, I'd say so.

2) I don't really know much about comas. From what I think I know about comas, I feel like that would be akin to killing someone while they sleep.

Dibs Ludicrous Game profile


Mar 12th 2012, 23:04:25

how much does it cost to keep a person on life-support and how many people are dying because they can't get affordable healthcare because of it?
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Mar 13th 2012, 2:43:33

little numbers fact for you...20 years after abortion was legalized in the us violent crime rate fell dramatically. the gift of life is often much harder on those who have to live it as an unwanted.

Oceana Game profile


Mar 13th 2012, 12:51:06

are you really claiming crime reduction has to do with increased abortions.
I think the arguemnt that Social security heading toward broke since we murdered 50 million workers would have a better correlation to believe.

the past ten years abortions are down, and actually dramaticlly by % like 50%, so I would guess your expecting ( by that assumption)a huge search in violent crime coming near the end of this decade?



Mar 13th 2012, 17:45:03

depends on the reason for the decrease ... abortion is down now due to family planning. If however people are forced to have children they do not want, those children are statistically more likely to commit a violent crime. Can you imagine growing up with a parent who never wanted you or did not have the ability or even want to care for you?

Klown Game profile


Mar 13th 2012, 21:16:57

Originally posted by 1stbecci:
little numbers fact for you...20 years after abortion was legalized in the us violent crime rate fell dramatically. the gift of life is often much harder on those who have to live it as an unwanted.

Correlation does not equal causation. There were a lot of changes going on in the country at this time.

Hneftafl Game profile


Mar 21st 2012, 3:25:02

Doesn't matter if you ban abortions, women will still have them. Only, they'll have them with coat-hangers, in filthy back-rooms, etc. That's (another reason) why abortion should stay legal.
If at first you don't succeed, reverse the polarity.