
Earth Watcher


Jul 24th 2010, 9:09:10

Tank - "never bear tanked before, this is gf's char :/ should be ok though"
Reality - It is not ok

Healer - "oops.." "sorry this character isn't duel specced" "i think i can do it in shadow spec though"

Tank - "Bear with me okay? First time tanking" .. It was Ulduar 25man..

Tank Healer 2DPS Multi-boxer - "My other one got banned"

Guild run with all Raiders - "Let me log an alt" "Oh me too" "I think I will also"

Guild run - "We don't have a healer?" "We shouldn't need one." "sure it will be fine"



Jul 24th 2010, 17:17:24

Before I quit pre-Ulduar, I played a Prot Pally

I used to run heroics with 4 DPSers, usually one is boomkin who would off-heal during bosses. We usually clear them in under 20 minutes each.

Don't tell me that it can't work, with enough DPSers and people doing what their suppose to do, stun, kick, silence, and letting the tank go in first, it's easy sauce.

Also my favorite quote of my own in Naxx pre mana fix.

Me : "I'm low on mana, sec, fixed"
Others : "WTF did you do, your at 14k!"
Me : "I sat down, let him auto critc, mana!"

Also, Naxx chain pulling is serious business, and is very fun when your healers are complaining that they have nothing to do while you chain pull the whole damn instance.

ICQ 43083642

GorGo Game profile


Jul 24th 2010, 17:41:39

I like WOW I did the trial and it was a good game... One the other hand I tried DAOC and EVE and my new 7 year old comp that I paid $65 for wouldn't run them... Thats stupid! Its a 2 gig cpu with 500 megs ram and a 64 meg gamer vid card... That should run anything IMHO... :)



Jul 24th 2010, 18:51:07

your 'new' 7 year old comp?

2gig with 500meg ram 7 years ago was 3 years too old.
ICQ 43083642

Marshal Game profile


Jul 24th 2010, 19:06:24

if something can go wrong for sure it will go wrong.

murphy's law

Intel P4 Northwood HT 2.4GHz was 1 of top processors at 2003 and normal memory was 1-2Gb at that time and graphic cards had 64-256Megs memory and Radeon 9700 was king of the hill and Geforce FX 5800 was major failure.
Patience: Yep, I'm with ELK and Marshal.

ELKronos: Patty is more hairy.

Gallery: K at least I am to my expectations now.

LadyGrizz boobies is fine

NOW3P: Morwen is a much harsher mistress than boredom....

Earth Watcher


Jul 24th 2010, 19:24:30

Originally posted by Forgotten:
Don't tell me that it can't work, with enough DPSers and people doing what their suppose to do, stun, kick, silence, and letting the tank go in first, it's easy sauce. "

You have 2 issues with your statement.
You likely wasn't doing the ICC 5mans.
You failed to realize that they had no intentions of playing it any different than when we have a healer.

They ran in.. Grabbed the entire first cross run in FOS.. Tank of course exploded.

Also got another one last night.. I don't know what caused me to stay but it turned out to work.

We had this tank that was garbage.. Not like the bear tank one just fail tried to be pro with rushing kept outpacing the healer and dying while we were laughing. He finally tries to train us and dies and they just leash so he ragequits.
It's a 20 minute wait for a tank late at night so me and a 6k GS DK just start pulling stuff and tanking it.
Finished out Pit of Saron.

TheORKINMan Game profile


Jul 24th 2010, 20:26:00

Smarter than your average bear.

GorGo Game profile


Jul 24th 2010, 20:34:35

"your 'new' 7 year old comp?

2gig with 500meg ram 7 years ago was 3 years too old."

Its new to me! And its a Hp presserio, Guess its older than 7 years.... And its a good comp... Not everyone buys the new model when they come out... :)

GorGo Game profile


Jul 24th 2010, 20:36:10

OH! And this is a AMD cpu.... Which are better for a gamer machine... And the vid card is a GeForce... :)

GorGo Game profile


Jul 24th 2010, 20:38:22

The 80 year old man that sold it to me told me he had a "professional" check it out for him so I assume that the pro stole the memory... I'm going to put 2 gigs in it when I get the money...Thats max for the MB... :)

Marshal Game profile


Jul 24th 2010, 21:20:33

geforce yes but is it geforce 2 or 4 or some of those fx-series?
Patience: Yep, I'm with ELK and Marshal.

ELKronos: Patty is more hairy.

Gallery: K at least I am to my expectations now.

LadyGrizz boobies is fine

NOW3P: Morwen is a much harsher mistress than boredom....

de1i Game profile


Jul 24th 2010, 22:14:44

lol gearscore, noobs.



Jul 24th 2010, 22:45:55


Obviously when I quit before Ulduar, I wouldn't be doing ICC heroics, would I?

Skill > Gears.

A tank that is worth their weight can easily do heroics with out much healing. But then again, I was a prot pally, might have something to do with it. I knew I was one of the best out there, just didn't find the right group to play the game with, the whole battle group was full of idiots
ICQ 43083642

Earth Watcher


Jul 25th 2010, 1:25:41

Gear Score is a tool to check what level gear someone is wearing. That is all. If you don't know how to use the tool then don't use it.

Attitude > Skill > Gear
If you think you are the best chances are you were not and you hated people because they put you in your place. It is easier to fit in most guilds if your ego can fit through the door.

Lots of people claim to be one of the best out there but in reality they have an inflated self image and will never make it through when the content gets hard. They are always too busy trying to find how everyone else failed instead of correcting their mistakes.

You can claim you aren't but your words from the first post have been the same as all of those "best tanks around". They never made it into ICC and Heroic ICC will always be out of their grasp because they are incapable of self improvement. Seen the exact same thing in Sunwell too.

de1i Game profile


Jul 25th 2010, 3:55:30

Standing by my LOL gear score.

mrford Game profile


Jul 25th 2010, 23:01:38


Swagger of a Chupacabra

[21:37:01] <&KILLERfluffY> when I was doing FA stuff for sof the person who gave me the longest angry rant was Mr Ford

Dragonlance Game profile


Jul 30th 2010, 3:49:30

ZZZZZZZOOOOOOOOOOOMMMMMMMM <--this is your conversation

O<-----------this is me
/ \

Dragonlance Game profile


Jul 30th 2010, 3:49:49

damn forgot the dots.

you get the idea.