
Coalie Game profile

EE Patron

Mar 18th 2023, 19:35:44

Originally posted by HH:
This entire mess is because it is not possible to restore the database. If regular backups would be taken, and the code had been written in such a way that restoring an old backup could work, then there would not be a problem if/when a glitch occurs.

But if its not possible I doubt anybody would want to put down the time to make it possible, not for a game with 100 active players...

Yeah, if there was a possible way to restore the old backups, then there no way a bunch of cheaters would intentionally game the system and then try to hide it. They even had the audacity to bring out the pitchforks and goin after Sui and Weezy for openly doing it and then reporting it. At least sui and weezy stepped up and was honest about it. What about the 2 laf countries? Are they going to come forward and explain themselves? Weird how LAF hasn’t put out the names of their transgressors.

Who knows how many other LAF countries have exploited and game the system, apparently the corrupt cop is investigating his own corrupt police force.

Edited By: Coalie on Mar 18th 2023, 19:39:35
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Coalie, MBA B.Acc
Mercenaries for Hire
Deputy Commander