
SuperFly Game profile


Jun 22nd 2023, 5:32:59

Originally posted by Turtle Crawler:
Netgaining and playing like LaF is simply more chalenging and fun. War is not fun (as evidence by players in such alliances slowly leaving). If you want to compete with LaF then try to learn to netgain and maybe you're players will stick around.

And yes, making it impossible to netgain will essentially end the game. The 'war' clans will be right back to organizing wars amoungst themselves and slowly leaving because war for it's own sake is essentually pointless.

Notice how in your own stats you had LaF at 29 countries, now how many? 17. You have done SIGNIFICANT and INTENTIONAL damage to the game. The legacy of this recent set of wars is nothing but shame, which will not be forgotten and hang around the neck of those responsible forever.

Pretty rich coming from a known cheater and bot using multie runner lol.

Btw myself as a former LaF player for an entire decade I can with 1000% certainty say that we as LaF chased out more players from the game than any war clan will ever chase out from 2018 and onward….

LaF leadership also chased a lot of its own members out to other teams over the years as well lol

Edited By: SuperFly on Jun 22nd 2023, 5:58:10
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