
DerrickICN Game profile

EE Patron

Dec 3rd 2023, 0:03:59

There’s solidly a difference between “game ending” and “LaF ending” TC. LaF has 18 total members and the 40 plus war dogs leaving was clearly worse for player retention than actually completely eliminating LaF twice. It might be game ending for you guys, but I suspect there’s a middle ground where no meta gets priority and we do our best to retain players of all types. That’s where the solution lies and if those 18 people can’t deal with it, it’s far less of an issue than the 3x LaF membership level including myself that quit playing and more specifically quit paying. It’s likely only 6-8 LaF members actually pay for premium. That’s hardly a loss at all. “Game ending” is a little extreme. 8 people is a small fraction of the whole community.

I’ll use my post to echo Auk. Option 3 and allowing a full turn save (72 hours) is the best route with the surrender option only being available after 5-7 days or 2 weeks of war.

That all said, I think a combination of 2&3 is necessary at this point to both fix IRC and to debug clanGDI. And if only one answer works, I think the obvious answer is 2. Fixing the broken stuff would be my main priority.

Edited By: DerrickICN on Dec 3rd 2023, 0:08:38
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