
Slagpit Game profile

Game Development

May 23rd 2024, 23:39:16

Change set #25 primarily makes quality of life improvements. These changes will be released on the standard roll out schedule. Change set #24 was deliberately skipped.

New Advanced Ingame Search:
* 28 different search parameters
* Pulls in data from saved spy ops
* Saves the parameters from the last search and uses those values as the defaults for the next search
* Displays up to 100 results in the specified sort order
* Players can click on a country name in the search results to easily attack it
* Players can click on the defense total in the search results to view the saved spy op

Bonus Systems:
* A country will be awarded 7 turns, 20 acres, and bonus points the first time a player logs into it per day. This replaces the 12 hour bonus, 18 hour bonus, and other similar systems.
* The switching government penalty will not be applied to previous bonus points purchases.
* The weekly bonus for posting on the forums will be increased from 4 points to 8 points.
* A new bonus option to reduce earthquake damage will be available. This is a single purchase similar to free GDI.

Spy Operations:
* The regular spy operation will show the target's information in the two-column new advisor format. This means that tech percentages will be available in the op.
* A calculated value for the target's standard strike defense will be included in the spy op.
* Saved spy ops should now perfectly match the information seen in the original op.
* Players will be able to see all spy ops done by their clan members, but ops are associated with clans now. That means that saved spy ops will be lost upon changing clans.
* Players cannot manually save spy ops but they are no longer automatically deleted after 72 hours.

Miscellaneous Balance Changes:
* The maximum standard benefit of medical tech is 50% instead of 66.6%.
* Military expenses per unit no longer change based on networth.
* The "restart bonus" is no longer available on non-clan servers.
* Earthquakes destroy fewer research labs than other non-cs buildings.
* On clan servers, countries with significantly fewer labs than their research allies will only receive 40% of the maximum ally benefit.
* NPC countries on the FFA server will change to the newer "Express" style and there will be about 3.5 NPC countries created per player country. This will result in fewer NPC countries than the current fixed amount of 2000. It is likely that we'll implement this change during the final few days of the current FFA round that ends on June 11, 2024.

"Standard roll out schedule" means that changes will be applied to servers as they reset. For this change set, the changes will first go live on the next round of each server that begins after June 1, 2024.

Thank you for playing Earth Empires. Questions, constructive criticism, and feedback made in good faith are welcome.

Edited By: Slagpit on May 24th 2024, 2:01:46
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