
BlackHole Game profile


Aug 5th 2024, 10:45:56

[quote poster=Drow; 53024; 1041396]Hitting an alliance who gave you the courtesy of leaving you alone this set, because your original plans seemingly got spoiled is also poor behaviour. [/quote

You gave Mercs the courtesy of leaving them alone?

ahahahahahahhahahahahahhahaah... hang on..... ahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha

WTF were you gonna do? NOT leave them alone?!?!? ahahhahahahahahaahahhaahahhaahah

Dude. Come on? You didn't give them ANY courtesy. They give YOU courtesies. You're at their mercy, as you can clearly see, not the other way around.

I think between TAN talking all kinds of negative fluff, you sticking your head in a war that had nothing to do with you, and the general trying to boss others around.... it seems like ya'll had this coming.

Maybe you got too big for your britches or something? A little humility is good for everyone.