
iNouda Game profile


Feb 4th 2011, 13:29:01

Why is it that pre-9/11 nobody gave a fluff about the so called "Islamic Fundamentalism" and "Terrorism"? Why is that the US supported regimes that killed and raped their own people only a daily basis and only stopped when their puppets turned on them?


Those are a few notable examples of the terrorists and cruel dictators that the US supported in recent times. Then when their puppets decided that they wanted their own "thing", they suddenly became the Axis of Evil and were used as scrapegoats to distract the American public from its internal problems. Back then it worked. However after the collapse of the housing sector it became too big to ignore even with the daily brainwashing attempts by the US Media.


@ PimpThang. Even though you're set on demonizing Islam, I'll offer my own counter arguments regardless of your mindset. I know you're not looking for the truth, you're just here to troll.

1. Suicide bombing. - Let's look at why so called terrorist groups are using it. Is it because it's effective? Obviously. Why is it that low level operatives (aka cannon fodder) are always the ones killings themselves whereas the high level leaders never get involved other than the planning/supply phase.

Is it because they're any less qualified or less devout in so called "faith"? No, it's simply because they're cowards. They use brainwashed and impressionable youths to kill themselves to achieve their political and military goals. Maximum (terror) results with minimum cost/effort.

Does Islam say that suicide is permissible? Hell no, it's stated clearly in the Quran and confirmed by top religious scholars who've spent their lives studying the religious sources (Quran and Hadith) that Suicide is fluffed up and anyone who commits that act goes to hell regardless of his intentions. Not to mention that killing women and children is totally against the faith even under war conditions.

2. Islamic radicals are top in the news post-9/11. You hear about some "Muslim" radical killing people every day supposedly for their religion - You must live the in the US or certain parts of Europe. In Asia and the rest of the world, our media aren't as biased and intentionally demonizing other countries to further our Politicians fluff propaganda. The US media fanned the hate towards Afghanistan and Iraq BEFORE they went in. Bush knew that without popular support by the brainwashed masses, he'd be fluffed up and wouldn't be able to get reelected. Heck, the 9/11 attacks were a big bonus in his eyes to his re-election chances.

Why else would he continually press the US to attack Iraq after Afghanistan, for non-existent WMDs that the best people in the world; military, special ops, intel, have never seen a trace of post-invasion? One word, OIL. Sure the US has it own significant stockpiles and supply (and much more if they carve up Alaska as well) but that's just a drop of water in the bucket compared to the Middle East oil stockpiles controlled by their puppets.

3. Burning holy books - Sure you can burn whatever you want. I don't really care, sure I may hate the ignorant intentions behind it but I don't want your head on a platter for it. Heck, when the Qurans are damaged Muslims are supposed to dispose of them via several methods, one of which is BURNING. Only those ignorant fags from impoverished countries who claim that they're Muslims are actually indignant over this. They're the same peeps who carry out backwards tribal practices that are mistaken as religious duties and give Islam a bad name.

4. Muslims are mostly Arabs. - This is the general assumption. This is obviously wrong. Only a small portion (around 20%) of Muslims are from the Middle East, the majority are from Asia. Indonesia alone accounts for nearly 200 million so called "Muslims".

5. Saudis are the "best" examples of Muslims. - Just because the holy sites of Islam are in Saudi Arabia itself, it doesn't mean everything they do is correct and follows the teachings. A lot of what they do is part of their Arabic culture and mentality and shouldn't be considered of Islamic teachings. A prime example is the Saudi Royal family which rules SA. They're morally corrupt due to their immense wealth. You'd be hard press to find a real muslim among them. It doesn't mean all Saudis are bad, it's the elite and powerful few who give the rest a bad name. They are after all, one of the few remaining loyal puppets.

Edited By: iNouda on Feb 4th 2011, 13:31:51. Reason: spelling errors
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