


Feb 15th 2011, 17:35:30

slagpit has shown himself to be open to well thought out and carefully presented ideas.

here are two more


i want to lay out an idea given to me in a private post even though i can not claim it as my own, and the author apparently seeks anonymity
for some reason those who disagree with me post publicly, those who agree with me send me private posts((

the idea helps techers, spiers and the server in general

the volume of spy tech is minimal at best because of the lack of ops, the low beneficial yield and the problem of spy DR
we could increase demand for this tech and thus help techers by allowing spy tech to increase the number of spy ops available
spy tech could also increase the yield from a beneficial spy op

if these changes are implemented the demand for spy tech should rise rapidly

another option would be to have a choice of what you want your spy tech to do
at the start of the set you could select whether you want spy tech to increase the number of spy ops, the size of your force or the yield from your beneficial spy ops


on primary you can use 100% of your turns as spy ops

on this server under optimized strategies you can only use 1/6

the reason for the ban is the threat of suiciders hurling 120 spy ops at to ten players
apparently the fact that very few of the ops beat spy DR was not enough
so a limit had to be imposed

i can actually understand that
no one wants Ivan openly weeping bloody tears that he got spied on 80 times

The limit though should be specifically addressed to the problem.
The problem is not too many spy ops, it is too many spy ops directed at one country
impose the ban on the number of ops that one country can direct at another.
With the recent change in the spy DR rule, there is no reason for a legitimate beneficial spy country to spy on another county more than 25 times in 24 hours.
impose the ban on country to country spy ops, not on spy ops in general

the number of spy ops per day should be returned to the old 200
but the number of one to one ops should be 25


thx again slagpit for your consideration

Edited By: lincoln on Feb 15th 2011, 17:37:35
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