


Feb 18th 2011, 11:20:40

I don't think Xtinct = Sanct. If they did they would be gloating and come out by now. There would be no reason why they wouldn't. Seeing how much of a blowhard Thomas is in 1A I don't see him being quiet.

But basically to sum up your post you pissed off a quarter of the server and so had to worry about being hit from day 1.

A clan new to FFA that didn't have established tag protection or any allies was in better footing than you all reset. That allowed them to prepare better for the war you knew was coming at least two weeks in advanced. Your Ally 3 times the size of Xtinct farms the crap out of them (for independent reasons of course). And if we believe what has been posted threatened to hit Xinct if they touched you. And they had every advantage.

I will say this you were man enough to own up to your activity problems.

"We decided to not hit Xtinct. Since Xtinct could be a legitimate New Clan looking to start in FFA from 1a."

Given your history I find that statement laughable!!! You hit that exact kind of clan last reset cause you were bored.

You say it was an even fight more countries vs. more nw. You had fully prepped war countries and a FS last set. You hit a tag that was netting with zero preparation. A tag that hadn't caused you or BSS any issues and was testing out a new server. For completely BS reasons, to quote your post on your war dec "We just wanted to war". You wanted to war and you picked easiest target plain and simple.

The attempt to justify it afterward as protecting one man tags is laughable given you have done the same and you take no exception to it when your ally does the same thing this reset.

I haven't even touched the fact that you drove fresh blood off the FFA server. What Sanct did isn’t all that surprising. You play in WOG in 1A. Most 1A alliances gave you temp DNH because you were new and came from another server. If an Alliance just decide to wipe you out cause they were bored you would be livid. You would probably say FU to the server and not play again.

If anyone started a new clan this set. They would be expecting to get hit again for no reason. When a clan 3 times their size starts messing with them that happens to be an known ally for the only clan near their size. What the hell did you think would happen??? The two choices are go Kamakazi on IMP or fight a target they stood a chance against that the big bullies were backing?

You reap what you sow is basically my point. Your history and allies led you to the asswooping you are receiving.

Oh and I am a new member cause I don't need my alliance affiliated with my statements. I am no leader and my opinions are my own. Posting under my normal nick would not allow that separation.

Edited By: CheckTheNews on Feb 18th 2011, 11:27:28
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