
Pang Game profile

Game Development

Feb 28th 2011, 16:43:56

Originally posted by Detmer:
Originally posted by Pang:

nothing proves that you didn't do all your FA on AT like doing all ongoing FA on AT :p

Exactly, and that is why I won't do it in private next time...I thought hanlong was going to be reasonably... he allegedly was with Sanct... I am not sure why it took him more than two days

I dunno man... i'm not going to read through the whole chain of notes, because it looks really confusing to follow who is saying what, and I really don't care that much.

I wasn't involved in this issue, I haven't done much of anything for LaF other than answering a few legacy/site questions since I left. But I've been following the issue through the news, as I was getting ready to grab a PDM'er or two from the tag I'm playing in (because your countries were not well defended, had lots of land and apparently like to trade hits), and it looked as though PDM was far from an innocent victim here, like you are trying to claim :p

As for me saying theres spin doesn't make it true: just because you say the things you're saying doesn't make it true either. Maybe that's the point I'm trying to make to you. You're looking at this through rose coloured glasses at best, so maybe you should stop trying to claim you're the most "balanced" on this issue. Your posts don't match that stance.

Just call it a case of policies not aligning, issues escalating and alliances stepping up their responses. That's what it looks like, and the news certainly backs that point up.

I like PDM, but I don't like this side of PDM :(
To hark back to something I used to state when I was dealing with PDM; it's the culture of "it's everyone's fault but ours" that has lead PDM into a lot of bad circumstances.

Edited By: Pang on Feb 28th 2011, 16:47:48
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