
Kill4Free Game profile


May 3rd 2011, 3:10:29

Originally posted by Rockman:
Originally posted by Kill4Free:
300mil food is 15% of the cash I have available on one of my countries :P

You've got 100 billion cash on a country already?

Kinda odd to not allow self-farming, but allowing buyouts or FA chains to do whatever you've done to put 100B cash on one country this early.

Whats the rationale for that?

Pretty much outta 30% of all food sold on the market, I made 2-3% off of it :P Figure out the math from that, lol.

Also if I can do this without self farming, imagine what I can do with that allowed. This required constant market manipulation as well as anticipation, working together with a group of 3 other dedicated people.

As for your question Donny, you would likely get 7b cash using a non tyr with maxed mil strat, or 10b ish cash using a tyr. Hence why I am keeping most of it on the market in various forms so it is safe from landgrabs.

Edited By: Kill4Free on May 3rd 2011, 3:12:56
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