
Garry Owen Game profile


Jun 20th 2011, 6:08:53

Well the double-edged sword is that FS's can be awesomely powerful (for those who do it right) but also that with fewer players / smaller clans you have to have those turns in order to actually have a war.

But instead of making KILLING HARDER, what if we made RESTARTING EASIER?

FS's dominate because restarts have to go back to 100 acres / 100 troops. So all your great netgaining/wargaining goes to waste with sub-min kills. And you cannot recover because the restarts are so weak.

So leave the turns / readiness alone. Killing is fun and it needs to be there to prove alliance warfighting skills and to kill off suiciders/idiots.

Make a 'resurrection' option. If you country is killed and you login within 24 hours you can salvage civilization from the wreckage. Your country is 2/3ds the acres and half of that is barren acres. Your population and military are devestated. But you have 100 turns of protection to put it all back together - or at least together enough to help your alliance in the war!!

So now an FS still has a major advantage - but an active and skillful alliance can recover.

|B O X| Get Outside :)

Edited By: Garry Owen on Jun 20th 2011, 6:13:17
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