
Chaoswind Game profile


Jun 22nd 2011, 2:09:22

[quote poster=FutureGhost;]
*wtf happened to my quote*
I didn't say it wasn't valid even for netting... It is surely suboptimal though.

I was just going off of what Chevs said of your spyops llaar.
If I seen a bunch of rep indys I would assume war too...

I have no clue what you guys are running nor care. I like NA usually but hitting LaF to run away from SoF, should of just kept it classy and not looked like a complete puppet. You want to stay out than pact out and in the beginning.

SoF may have plans for you, yeah but had you pacted them before the set started you could have known you wouldn't be hit. [/quote]

LOL whut?


Depends on the long term goal, but is a solid start up for mid/high SPAL netters, you set production to 100% turrets and start with a Heavy CS + 350 Farms start up

After that you explore and build Industrials all the way to 1880 acres of land.

Then you spend your time building CS's until BPT is over 80

BPT +80
IC +1500
Farms 350
Sell Max turrets

Mass Explore to 3800 acres
Here change indy production to 50% Spies 50% turrets
You build up unused acres as farms, sell max turrets at the end and get ready for another mass.

at one point you change it to 100% spies and go on with that, buying an small amount of Troops/Tanks to be safe and keeping 500K turrets for nominal defense while your Spal grows out of control...


Edited By: Chaoswind on Jun 22nd 2011, 2:11:56
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