
Helmet Game profile


Jun 22nd 2011, 16:52:44

Originally posted by Vic Rattlehead:
What I meant was that your actions belie your statement that you are non political. Hitting is based on our allies is as political as it gets. As I explained to you and many other, my personal issues with my ability to be online for an extended stretch of time led to my late pacting. I specifically addressed the coalition rumors as they pertained to na when we spoke, and made our plans clear. You obviously knew how md factored in, Intel I didn't have, so you also knew we were being sold out by laf, more info I didn't have. You decided that it was still better for sof to hit is within 24 hours of our allies getting hit, even though we wouldn't have been enough to turn the tide of the "other" war had we been called in, and obviously couldn't coordinate a "coalition" strike against sof with the other alleged coalition members already wiped out. That is all VERY political. Please don't pretend otherwise.

That's so full of nonsense that I'm not even going to waste my time responding to it.

Edited By: Helmet on Jun 22nd 2011, 17:24:46
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