
Chaoswind Game profile


Sep 2nd 2011, 18:29:05

Theo only penalty is the tech penalty, but is a HUGE penalty, the GDI "penalty" is a joke, because with some bonus points that problem is fixed, maybe there should be a bonus called Get rid of a penalty for 16 points.

Theo loses the GDI cost
Fasc gets normal population
Tyrany gets -10% Maximum PCI
Dict Gets -10% building speed
Commies get a 6% market commission
Republics gets -5% mil strength
Demos get 2 turns attacks

Theo isn't used to stock because the tech penalty is high enough to make it inferior to other governments, but not by a whole lot, and in servers without clans the initial push that comes with extra BPT is enough to give the theos a good "farming" lead on other governments.

I say Theo double GDI should be changed to NO GDI for theo, that would truly be a penalty on all servers.

Commie is limited to Indy, but yeah I would say in solo servers they shine, but honestly that is the only place they can be good, and only because the people they hit often enough don't do anything about it.

Edited By: Chaoswind on Sep 2nd 2011, 18:31:37
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