
ZDH Game profile


Sep 13th 2011, 5:09:28

The point I was trying to make ford is that it isn't white Americans that treated them so unfairly...Africans sold other Africans to slave traders. Which weren't Americans. And most civilizations where enslaved at one point. But they where just the last to have to suffer threw it. Many MANY others had it WAAAAY worse.

I just get sick of hearing fluff like "the man is holding us down" ect ect comments like that really get under my skin. A black guy at work was tryin to tell me that the US Government brought in coke to try and kill out blacks.

I wish the US would just end welfare to any people physically able to work. Except those honestly trying and they should have to be randomly drug tested.

And if they have any drug distribution charges unelagable for welfare for life. Then they'll be forced to see that they are holding themselves down milking the system. Some white trash and illegals will have to suffer to but oh well small sacrifice.

Edited By: ZDH on Sep 13th 2011, 5:11:30
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