


Oct 6th 2011, 14:19:53

I have only decided conclusively on five of the ten most important dates in recorded history. The other five will come later.

September 2, 31 B.C. Conclusion of the Battle of Actium which eventually led to the founding of the Roman Empire, which laid the foundation of the modern world.

October 10, 732. Battle of Tours, the most decisive battle between Islam and Christianity, where the latter won.

July 15, 1215. Magna Carta recorded, the foundation for Western law.

May 29, 1453. Fall of Constantinople. If the Muslims had not defeated the Byzantine Empire, Islam would very likely remain a relatively minor regional religion similar to Shinto or Taoism.

November 9, 1923. Beer Hall Putsch. Later solidified Hitler's rise to power.

Edited By: Watertowers on Oct 24th 2011, 5:47:26
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