


Nov 1st 2011, 0:36:53

Anoniem: I never said anything bad about evo. :) just posted about the flip side of what you just posted about an ally of ours having 0 integrity. Even later on said if you guys felt so wronged by what they did you should of just attacked them. Either way you're fighting now so might as well have fun with it.

But it's nice to hear what you think actually think of RD :)
Nuke: You don't know me :) I've had my share fair of "legit" as you would word it finishes. Had 6 finishes that I can remember of where I was the top "legit" country and was aided over or had a country get a buyout to push them above me, causing me to finish 2nd or 3rd. Actually I think Kingme was a defencive ally of mine one reset I finished as top legit and there were 2 RD and 3 Elitez all aided above me :)

I used to get all pissy about it, argue it, spazz at players who got the aid... but I came to realize about 7-8 or so years back.. who cares? it's an alliance server, do what you can as a group... the individual play doesn't really matter that much and just as a group try to meet your goals.

Edited By: Mr.Silver on Nov 1st 2011, 4:34:43
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