
iNouda Game profile


Nov 13th 2011, 5:42:26

Pure BS. This is just another fabricated plot to get the public riled up over the next planned invasion (aka invading the sovereign nation of Afghanistan just to get at Bin LAden and Al-Qaeda (which ended up causing a never-ending war up to this day) | Iraq had WMDs (None found). Whoops. Sorry, we thought they were realz just doesn't cut it after hundreds of thousands of civies were killed and entire countries were devastated.

The fact that it reads like a really cheesy hollywood script further discredits the whole conspiracy theory. I mean, recruiting a Mexican drug cartel to carry out an assassination of a Saudi Ambassador on American SOIL? LOL, if this was a movie, I'd definitely go watch it for the lulz.

When was the last time Iran invaded another nation in modern times? Maybe a couple thousand years ago when they were the Persian Empire but in recent times, nope. Israel is the most likely nation to nuke another, if you don't include the US. They started the war with other Middle East nations (Egypt and co.) by attacking their airforce on the ground, provoking a war with their neighbors based on "suspicious behavior" alone. Israel has repeated threatened to nuke its neighbors....when has other nuclear-armed nations (other than the US), done that? The US is the only nation to have used nuclear weapons on another, namely unarmed civilians.

Edited By: iNouda on Nov 13th 2011, 5:44:31
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