
archaic Game profile


Dec 11th 2011, 2:20:19

***ring ***ring
- "hello?"
"Yeah, is this hell?"
- "excuse me? can I help you?"
"I'm trying to reach hell, is this the right number?"
- "Yes, we can trace this call you know"
"Whatever, I need to speak with your manager"
- "What?!"
"Your boss, the big Kahuna, is he there?"
- "Please hold"
***Hold music, very bad hold music
- "This Satan, what do you want"
"Um, yeah - ah Satan, I need to ask you a question"
- "Spit it out kid I'm busy."
"Tell, whats the weather like down there?"
***More silence
- "ahem, funny you should ask - its snowing actually"
"Would you say that hell has frozen over then?"
- "More or less, yes. How did you know?"
"Fins back."
- "Oh dear"

Edited By: archaic on Dec 11th 2011, 3:50:49
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