
JJ23 Game profile


Jan 11th 2012, 9:34:01

farmer is viable. i hit 23+M with a fascist farmer... good for 3rd that reset and the fascist record. its viable but there are 2 things you have to remember

1. farmers are worthless unless you agr is 210pct +
2. you can cross sell rigs so if oil goes above 200, then a facist farmer/oiler would be viable. probably keep a 10/1 ratio of farms to rigs tho, since theres no oil tech. (have to be facist to make this worthwile).

if you want to play farmer decently, you have to tech start. the reasons are, at the beginning of the reset, when tech is 3k or more, its impossible to buy enough tech to get your agr over 200 while having enough $ to buy turrets. 2. if you explore early, you will be way fatter than everyone so you will get farmed... and finally, teching will allow you to stay landthin and maximize efficiently, which letting other to grow, so when you convert over.... you will have plenty of fatter less efficient targets to grab... i did mon tech=> to fascist when i was converting, in the 23M+ reset.

but indy is super overpowered in exp. the extra ability tos ell more military makes it overpowered. CI has won like 13/15 of the resets or so..

Edited By: JJ23 on Jan 11th 2012, 9:39:09
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Originally posted by blid:
The way my 30m got busted was the ultimate in nobility and self-sacrifice because I could have simply canceled the alliance but I was too big a person to do so.