
OmarEVP Game profile


Feb 7th 2012, 21:46:48

Originally posted by blid:
I think Nam Nam would let a DT slide to be honest. And actually I think doing a DT, if you're willing to risk it, is a fair response to a topfeed *if* that's what it takes to get the land back.

well if thats the case, everyone Zhu Ge Liang hits should hit him back.

the problem is, simply not the case. his country the way its built, will not make top 10. i dont care how well he plays from this point forward and how much land he gains.. however, a lot of countries he has hit, are built to make that push.. so if say one of them hits him back 2x, they are leaving themselves open to getting suicided on and losing a great finish, whereas him, being the suciider, doesnt lose out on anything more than a rank 30 or so finish.

its the same concept as in express where a guy like phreaker4life top feeds everyone saturday, and never even finishes out a reset and hovers around 40th, whereas the people he jetted up to hit may have had their chance at a win go down the drain...

Edited By: OmarEVP on Feb 7th 2012, 21:49:20
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