
OmarEVP Game profile


Feb 7th 2012, 22:16:57

Originally posted by crest23:
Yup, the fat rep is also leeching like a motherfluffer. He's making quite the penny from just selling tech.

i dont see how this is any better or worse than the guy leeching offense allies.

i can actually make the argument that offense allies thing is more beneficial. reason being, it allows you to keep more defense while attacking the same size opponents as your counterparts who have to send up to 2x as many jets. that alone is invaluable because keeping more D reduces the chance of being topfed.

plus, when you have tech allies, your allies arnt going to always tech what you need. theyre going to tech what brings in the most $$$, so most days your gains are gonna be some random medical/agri/spy tech which you have to resell to buy the one you want.

now youre paying 6 pct in market commissions and thats assuming you even have sufficient tech in those off techs to absorb what your allies are teching.

also, at this point, tech is worth much less because its sub 2k and land is more valuable, as most countries that are newbs are out of your grabbing range and if you are a single tapper, youve probably hit most people worth hitting at least once. so being able to do say, 4 PS each day for 800-100A each versus just 2 for someone with no allies. that extra 2k land will far outweigh the say, 10-15k tech pts per ally the leech gets.

you ask me if i want 45k tech pts a day or a free 2k land, ill take the land anyday of the week.

Edited By: OmarEVP on Feb 7th 2012, 22:20:17
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