
midevil.chaos Game profile


Mar 31st 2012, 21:38:01

I was thinking, maybe we could hire spies. So instead of sending the normal spies, a person could hire spies that never made the cut so to speak within the Intelligence Agency. I personally find it stupid that we HAVE to create Industrial Complexes just to create spies. Very inconvenient.

Of course, we would pretend that around 20%-30% of spies created by the Industrial Complexes would never actually make it in (although that percentage would never actually be deduced from any player's own spies. We would just pretend).

So, basically the Rogue Spies would keep the usual

Spy on Alliances
Market Spy
Military Spy
Stir Rebellions
Cause Dissension

Commit Espionage
Bomb Banks
Raid Food Stores
Sabotage Missiles
Bio Terrorism
Raid Oil Reserves
Attack Intelligence Centers

BUT, and this is a big but...
the rest of the operations they could create would differ.

Bomb Airbases

Bribe Pilots
(steal jets!)


Bomb Structures

Bomb Turrets and Tanks
(self explanatory)


Edited By: midevil.chaos on Mar 31st 2012, 22:46:54
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