
herbs12 Game profile


Apr 2nd 2012, 1:06:55

Need 3 tech allies for this upcoming set

tduong Game profile


Apr 2nd 2012, 1:10:39

ok, i'll give you 2 :)
Originally posted by blid:
I haven't had a wrong opinion in years

KoHeartsGPA Game profile

EE Patron

Apr 2nd 2012, 2:25:52

I'm doing a tech start, herbs, pm me if interested :)
Mess with me you better kill me, or I'll just take your pride & joy and jack it up


S.F. Giants 2010, 2012, 2014 World Series Champions, fluff YEAH!

q2on Game profile


Apr 2nd 2012, 6:04:02

I'm doing a tech start as well, anyone who needs allies pm me

herbs12 Game profile


Apr 2nd 2012, 15:29:43

I don't want tech start allies, just full time techers, thanks

Edited By: herbs12 on Apr 2nd 2012, 15:57:08
See Original Post

Alin Game profile


Apr 3rd 2012, 7:42:34

i am still thinking of playing another techer ... i`ll give you a shoot if i`ll decide!

Rob Game profile


Apr 3rd 2012, 12:32:01

Come on people. Everyone should play a techer :)
I will need cheap tech for the upcoming set.

George Pataka Game profile


Apr 3rd 2012, 16:24:38

I was going to try a tech start this set buy seeing as how it is my first time I'm not to sure about it. Any pointers?


EE Patron

Apr 3rd 2012, 16:36:52

You start with ~200 farms, and then ~200 indy making turrets. You then explore out to 1800-2500 acres filling the rest of the land with labs. You sell goods on private to get started and later on public if you need to. Destroy the farms/indy to get a higher percentage of your land as labs. Then tech away. Get somewhere from 35k to 60k in your primary tech categories. Maybe like 15k-25k in secondary tech if you want to (not necessary). Then convert to the build you're planning for.
Originally posted by Mr. Titanium:
Watch your mouth boy, I have never been accused of cheating on any server nor deleted before you just did right there.

Rob Game profile


Apr 3rd 2012, 16:39:40

How many turns will you be done with 60k tech bild?

I normally do Indy to 1200, labs till 3500 then tear down into to 500 and start teching.
I wanna test that against your tech start and see which is better

Rob Game profile


Apr 3rd 2012, 16:42:43

I meant 60k bus and res each. Lets say 100k mark or something like that, how many turns?

Anyone want to chip in here? So far as a full techer, I like my start-up as it gives me an added advantage of early lg increasing efficiency, but I dont know if its the best way to do it.


EE Patron

Apr 3rd 2012, 16:51:54

I'm not very precise about it, that's why I mostly gave ranges... I'm not sure. I actually do your bigger strategy sometimes as a full techer. But for tech starts for casher or farmer I do the smaller version I posted about to avoid building and rebuilding etc.
Originally posted by Mr. Titanium:
Watch your mouth boy, I have never been accused of cheating on any server nor deleted before you just did right there.

herbs12 Game profile


Apr 3rd 2012, 17:01:26

I like to build 200 oil rigs in there early on also to help with early grabbing.


EE Patron

Apr 3rd 2012, 17:14:46

Oh also on Express in particular, a casher can tech start and then wait til Saturday and get all his tech for $1500, haha.
Originally posted by Mr. Titanium:
Watch your mouth boy, I have never been accused of cheating on any server nor deleted before you just did right there.

JJ23 Game profile


Apr 3rd 2012, 17:54:13

herbs did you learn that from me, because what you mentioned, down to the rigs is percisely what i do

makes me look like a rainbow during my tech phase, where grabs for 100 get retalled for 1k.

blid. or something like last reset could happen, and tech goes for 2500 on saturday.

also, since u cant attack within the last 6 hours, i doubt cashers are sitting on 600 turns waiting till saturday to play.
Originally posted by blid:
The way my 30m got busted was the ultimate in nobility and self-sacrifice because I could have simply canceled the alliance but I was too big a person to do so.

herbs12 Game profile


Apr 3rd 2012, 18:21:04

I actually did steal/learn that from you JJ.

I need 1 more full time tech ally, throw me a message if interisted.

herbs12 Game profile


Apr 3rd 2012, 18:26:15

Full thanks gents

KoHeartsGPA Game profile

EE Patron

Apr 3rd 2012, 18:39:17

Originally posted by blid:
You start with ~200 farms, and then ~200 indy making turrets. You then explore out to 1800-2500 acres filling the rest of the land with labs. You sell goods on private to get started and later on public if you need to. Destroy the farms/indy to get a higher percentage of your land as labs. Then tech away. Get somewhere from 35k to 60k in your primary tech categories. Maybe like 15k-25k in secondary tech if you want to (not necessary). Then convert to the build you're planning for.

Yes, that worked well few times i did it when i went farmer ;)
Mess with me you better kill me, or I'll just take your pride & joy and jack it up


S.F. Giants 2010, 2012, 2014 World Series Champions, fluff YEAH!

JJ23 Game profile


Apr 3rd 2012, 18:45:02

^only difference is i keep the indies, i destroy the farms.

so my build spec at 3k land is roughly.

180 cs
200 rigs
200 indies
2500 labs.
Originally posted by blid:
The way my 30m got busted was the ultimate in nobility and self-sacrifice because I could have simply canceled the alliance but I was too big a person to do so.


EE Patron

Apr 3rd 2012, 19:28:17

Once I did some lazy calculations on keeping the indies. I compared how many turns I'd save teching if they were labs, vs. how many turns it takes to build them into labs and then rebuild them into indies again after teching. You'll save turns by destroying the indies. But you'll have fewer spies obviously. Ultimately I decided it doesn't matter. :P
Originally posted by Mr. Titanium:
Watch your mouth boy, I have never been accused of cheating on any server nor deleted before you just did right there.

JJ23 Game profile


Apr 3rd 2012, 19:42:36

i prefer having higher spies. during my tech phase, im probably light on military so the spies would help.

ontop of that, ill need those spies since im gonna be grabbing as soon as im done converting...

so ultimately its better for me because if i take down the indies, i have to build a lot of them to make spies fast so i can get my spal up and also be able to spy effectively prior to lging.

Originally posted by blid:
The way my 30m got busted was the ultimate in nobility and self-sacrifice because I could have simply canceled the alliance but I was too big a person to do so.

q2on Game profile


Apr 4th 2012, 4:23:57

I need 2 more tech allies, anyone?