


Jun 22nd 2012, 21:48:53

Originally posted by Flamey:
Originally posted by TheMatrix:
Well then Flamey if it is ok for you to make baseless accusations then it would be ok for me to say that SoF houses cheaters because Hanlong told you guys he got the information directly from the database?

I have no evidence to support these claims but under your rules I can say them right?

Making claims of mod/admin bias without having any proof of it will only make the mods/admins stop devoting their free time to this game and ensure that it fails...

1. Feel free to post all the baseless accusations you want, it is no skin off my back.

2. Who says I don't have any proof?

3. Is it just me, but has Pang/Detmer been blaming SoF/Laf for PDM's fluffty diplomacy for the last 3 sets or not? If that's not admin/mod bias, I don't know what is and hell, have you not been reading the thinly veiled threats to delete SoF countries two weeks back?

...So they will stop developing stuff if they don't get their way, infact I think I saw a thinly veiled threat about that a while back. My response is, I don't care. It wouldn't be worth playing if we had to conform to the admins politics just to get them to develop stuff. Well not that much development is going on anyway...

2. If you have proof why have you not posted it?
3. Detmer just became a mod recently so you can't claim mod bias for stuff he has been apparently doing for "3 resets".

I'm not talking about admins no longer developing the game because "they don't get their way" I'm talking about them not wanting to develop a game when they are constantly accused of having bias in their admin duties. Developing an open source project can be thankless as it is let alone having people fluff and moan without any facts that you are using your admin powers inappropriately.

If you don't like the amount of development that is going on why don't you contribute and try and make a difference. I love it when people complain about something they get to do for free while others donate their time. If you want to see a change, change it yourself.

Edited By: TheMatrix on Jun 22nd 2012, 21:56:58. Reason: grammar
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