
iScode Game profile


Jul 26th 2012, 5:38:10

one other note I just want to make.

I can fully understand where sanct is coming from, they would be under the impression that an unpacted war alliance without a war target, that is not offering them l:l and then failing spy ops on them could be seen as belligerent and they took measures to protect themselves, but I would like to assure sanct and the community that this was not the case.

I would of only dec'd on Sanct IF we had a good reason, up until the sabotage missiles and the CD's (I am yet to see substantial evidence the CD's of our troops was not sanct, if someone can show me otherwise i will admit i was wrong, however the failed sabotage missiles by sanct is more than enough reason) we didnt have a good reason and I made it clear to the leaders we would not go to war against them without one.

No contact was made about the failed ops or the increase in grabbing from the imag members on sanct, the grabbing however was legitimate, it may be considered excessive, how ever it was individual members acting on their own well within the grabbing rules of imag, due to the amount of grabs we could of looked at a temporary DNH to halt grabs and give sanct a chance to retal, they choose to take this action, I would of done the same so kudos to them.

I am an ex Sanct head from swirve days, I know a few of their members well, I am not going to authorise a war on sanct for no reason even if members are restless. Last set we had grabbing issues and AxA and myself talked, we did not agree but we settled on a uNap for the rest of the set to simmer things down. I would like to think that during my discussions with AxA and my dealings with Wharfed over the landgrabs this set, that I acted reasonably to try and resolve the issues well also protecting my alliances policies and members.

The last thing Wharfed said to me in private after the discussion on topfeeds was:
[18:33] <Wharfed> ok
[18:35] <Wharfed> most of the things you have said have been reasonable. I guess we're done here for the night.
[18:36] <Wharfed> have a good night
01[18:36] <iScode> night bro

I have not talked to any sanct leaders since then.

Edited By: iScode on Jul 26th 2012, 7:41:15
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