
Thomas Game profile


Jun 28th 2010, 23:02:21

[quote poster=Detmer]
Thomas µ [War-VP]

Alliance: Collab
Server: Earth Council
Posts: 2603
[Best restart - 755 Hits, 203,024 civs - Feb-Mar '10]
Jun 18, 2010 5:54 AM

I made it clear at the end of last set I was going to farm them. [/quote]

Thomas µ [War-VP]

Alliance: Collab
Server: Earth Council
Posts: 2713
[Best restart - 755 Hits, 203,024 civs - Feb-Mar '10]
Jun 22, 2010 5:45 PM
I probably shouldn't have made that comment. Yes I have hit them, but I don't have a vendetta against PDM. There is history between them and I stemming from when I was a Senate member there. I wouldn't have waited three or four resets or however long it has been to go after them if those were really my intentions.

I've grabbed them but I've also hit Rogue and several others. Land is scarce and so we have had to hit the countries we can. As AxA said, once he pointed out the amount of attacks we made on them, that I wasn't even aware of, we slowed down drastically. It would have stayed that way had #195 not started double tapping countries that were not the aggressors, rather than retalling the hits on their tag which he had every right to do.

The last thing we want to do is force players off this server. I actually had a conversation with Rolangunslinger from PDM a few days ago about this very issue. I didn't have any intentions on following through with my comment about farming them, otherwise there would be a lot more attacks by me on their tag. I talk a lot and a lot of it is usually just hot air.

I'd like to talk with you in private if we could.


I guess this post didn't help your cause so it was left out.

But lets talk about how Thomas planned to farm PDM all along, and not that PDM wasn't wise enough to create tag protection. Find me an alliance that won't take advantage of free land.

Edited By: Thomas on Jun 28th 2010, 23:15:37
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