
dagga Game profile


Aug 20th 2012, 8:14:02

Originally posted by Pain:
qzjul if the returns were consistent like they used to be, you might be right. they arent.

youre changing things that arent broken and leaving the broken things broken.

qz, I think you're great, and most changes in the game are great.

What I see though is a propensity to do something not exactly required because it's a bit fancy or might be cool to tinker with/code.

Make stonewalling harder? Target the problem - stop allowing the spamming of hits via the OP Ajax attack button. That is an easy way to lengthen the time taken to kill a country without increasing the turns required to do so.

Stop dumb war dynamics? Promote even wars by coding alliance level war decs into the game. Do not allow alliances to hit each other until a reasonable amount of time has passed in the reset. Reduce the power of first strikes by giving restarts even bigger bonuses (this will also make tagkills harder to achieve - instead of 24/48 hours).

The game is broken but not in the areas that seem to get the fixes.

Edited By: dagga on Aug 20th 2012, 8:23:10
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