
Detmer Game profile


Jun 30th 2010, 20:17:14

If you are gone, you don't make the cut. You aren't better than someone who outlasted you*

1) SoF

SoF was a force in 2000 and 2001, but from 2002-2003 SoF dominated totally. This wasn't a passing HAN or RoCK domination, this was long term. If SoF warred you, you died. Even after fighting RD and eventually deciding to leave the game, SoF returned and remained a major force until very recently. SoF has petered to second tier now, but they are still in the game, and they still have a (relatively) good showing.

2) LaF

LaF is old, old, old. LaF has long been the/one of the best netting alliances. Over the history of the game their netgaining body of work is the undisputed greatest. Something that is impressive about LaF is that their membership has stayed rather constant over the last 10 years. Their membership has swelled at times, however their 70 member tag now is not terribly far from historic levels, despite everyone else losing members by a factor of 10 at least. Since 2005-2006ish LaF has in my opinion made the push from a tier 2 all-around alliance to a tier 1 alliance. Over the past couple of years LaF has consistently moved up and is now handily the top alliance in the game.

3) SoL

SoL has historically been one of the largest alliances in the game and remain so despite being only a fraction of their previous size. SoL has always been a warring alliance but their success has waxed and waned. SoL has had some spectacular war performances and some abysmal moral victories. Even if SoL has not been the best alliance pound for pound, they have often made up for it in numbers.

4) Rage

The biggest alliance of all time with around 330-340 tagged members at the end of one round. Rage has never had much for netting but could certainly war anyone, especially due to massive girth. Membership may be way down recently, but Rage has more or less always been one of the larger alliances and has been involved in some spectacular conflicts throughout the history of this game as a result.


Two alliances with amazingly similar histories. Both alliances have generally been large in membership and have had some very skilled members... and some not so skilled members. Both alliances have historically tended to be involved in things and accordingly had great successes and great failures. Both are shadows of their former selves now.

7) LCN

LCN has been a very consistent alliance. Always sort of a middle tier, never the largest but pretty good pound for pound. Historically a netting rival for LaF, LCN seems to have been left in the dust in that regard over the past few years. LCN is still a middle sized alliance, but that is saying something considering that there aren't even 25 tags in existence, let alone 25 clans of 50+ members. LCN has just sort of endured, taken some knocks but by and large has never gotten too badly beaten up for too long.

8) Omega

Generally a smaller sized alliance that has kept to themselves, Omega has been involved in war when they must, but generally just net (quite solidly I might add) in peace. With the game as small as it is now, Omega finds themselves solidly a medium sized alliance.

9) Monsters

After the game has long been shut down Monsters will still be netting peacefully by themselves. Monsters have been around forever and while never choosing to make a splash, are still doing that as well as ever.

10) iMag

iMag has actually become quite the force now relative to their history of being smaller force. Independent of size iMag have made their mark by doing nothing but fighting, ever. They sort of remind me of a hyperactive kid with a hammer and I feel like that might closely approximate their role in history.

11) NA

NA is a relatively new alliance and has never done a lot with what it has had (in my opinion) which is why it is so low. In its existence, which again is short compared to most alliances) NA has been big, netted when they could and have some skilled members. Perhaps NA is most well known for "questionable" tactics such as aiding members to the top. As far as my thoughts in this ranking go though a top rank for an alliance member in an alliance game is a top rank, even if it isn't necessarily the indicator of individual skill that some alliances so desperately crave it to be.

12) ICN

ICN has been around for a long time, been a small alliance, a medium sized alliance and a large alliance. I feel like ICN has never done a whole lot. Sometimes they net, sometimes they war - never really stand outs, but they have withstood the test of time and now they are right on par with any other tier 2 alliance.

13) Evo

New alliance, lack of history. Good netters by and large. Would be a lot higher if I included the history, of say RED... but that's not Evo, that is RED and Evo. RED didn't last.

14) Collab

Like Evo, would be higher if I incorporated the history of the constituents. Collab is one of the best alliances now, but that isn't a lot in the history of Earth.

15) Neofed

Congratulations for being the 15th greatest alliance in history! I don't exactly remember when you came into existence, maybe 2002? I know you took a lot of time off, but what matters is that you're back as an alliance. Neofed has never really been a major player, but you don't have to be to have fun.

*complete cop out to not have to really think about everything that has happened over the course of this game and all the alliances that were involved

Edited By: Detmer on Jun 30th 2010, 21:46:48. Reason: Change of heart
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